[Opinions] Hester... on a boy??
So, just posited Hester to my husband tonight and he really liked it. Ten minutes into the conversation, I realized he thought it was a boy's name. Did some reading and found a couple of men named Hestor... so I suppose it could be unisex but BtN lists it as purely feminine. So - what do you all think? Hester, or Hestor, on a boy?
(I clarified gender and DH does like it for a girl too). ______________________________________________
"How wonderful it is that no one need wait a single moment before starting to improve upon the world." -Ann Frank
Mama to my "bright star" Clarisse Bituin and Wife to Julius. Mahal na mahal from our little family to yours!
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Hmm...I suppose it COULD work, on the right boy and with the right parents, but I honestly don't care for it on a boy. Love it on a girl, though. Maybe Hector? I think that works much better for a boy.
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agreed. Not a fan of Hector... but I think Hestor will be inked in the "girl" column on our lists.
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Hester is all girl to me. What about Chester? I love Chester on a boy. If he likes Hester, maybe he will like Chester too. :)
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Another poster suggested that too. I ran it by him. He likes Chester, and had never heard of it. I, on the other hand, know a dozen cats with the name... and one very cool guy. I do like it - but it's a bit too whimsical for my style. I don't think he will ever get to name a boy Hester if I am around, so this is more of a "question of interest" post. However, he almost convinced me to use Seth on a girl, so maybe my resolve is not as strong as I think. I, also, love Hester for a girl.
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Rather Hector than Hestor any day!But, if you wanted to use it on a boy, then certainly Hestor rather than Hester. I'd prefer Hector on a boy and Esther on a girl, but that's just me.
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I actually don't like Hector. It is far too used in my area, by mostly Puerto Rican families. DH is already self-conscience about people thinking he is Latino instead of Asian. However, it is a strong name in it's own right, and appeals more than Hestor because it is mainstream. Esther is lovely to me, but quite dusty to DH. (to be fair, Hestor on a boy is not my style either).
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I'm not sure... Hester is my favourite name for a girl right now. But I think I could see it on a boy as well. Like Aster.
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You were my inspiration actually. Told DH about Hester Olive and he thought it lovely. I doubt we would use the name, but if we did I think I would go with Hester Marikit.
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I like it on a boy, though I like Kester as well.
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Nice! I forgot about Kester. Seconding that suggestion.
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I could absolutely see Hester as a boy's name. It is so similar to Chester which is solidly male.I like Hester primarily for a girl though.
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I can agree with this logic. I have only met one Chester, and I was almost giddy when he introduced himself. He totally fit the name. In any case, I think I would prefer Hestor over Chester on a boy...
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I'm with you on that. I dislike Chester and would choose Hestor over it with zero hesitance.
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Nope. All girl.
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Tbh, I agree. I love that the other posters are accepting of the unisex quality in it, but it's such a pretty name (to me), that I see all girl.
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I know a male student in college with the surname Hester, so I suppose it could work for a boy despite it being a form of Esther. It sounds masculine to me in a way.

This message was edited 2/24/2015, 4:04 PM

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So cool that you met anyone with the name (even a surname). I can see how DH heard it as masculine. It's always fun to see what he thinks of names.
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