[Facts] knowing of name meaning
i have know the meaning of my name
I believe that Ashish is a Hindu name meaning "Blessings" (Possibly "Benediction")
I hope that helps :-)

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
I hope that helps :-)

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
In more detail, there is a root shaMs, related to latin carmen, censeo, etc., which originally meant to recite the holy scripture, or more generally, praise. Of course, language being what it is, its meaning changed to foretell the future, from whence it got the meaning of to be unhappy, to revile, and finally to hurt or injure ...
In the meantime, an offshoot shAs took over: it meant to censure, chastise, and thence to rule or to teach, and then to decree (as in a royal pronouncement) or to inform and confess.
This prefix A- is one promarily giving a direction: it means something like towards or near which by extension can provide emphasis. AshAs is like shAs but could be reversing the direction: it means to ask for or desire or pray; on the other hand it could emphasize the instruction or command sense of the word.
Ashis and AshIs, feminine nouns, meant prayer (older meaning) or blessing (slightly later) from the two senses of AshAs. Though the nominative in Sanskrit was Ashi/IH, in modern Indian languages, Ashi/ISa is the written form, and the last a is dropped in the pronounciation. It is used as a male name.
And AshaMs? Well that is not used as a name: that root originally did mean hope/expectation etc., but is now more often used for fear. Similarly, it can mean to praise or to announce, but ...
In more detail, there is a root shaMs, related to latin carmen, censeo, etc., which originally meant to recite the holy scripture, or more generally, praise. Of course, language being what it is, its meaning changed to foretell the future, from whence it got the meaning of to be unhappy, to revile, and finally to hurt or injure ...
In the meantime, an offshoot shAs took over: it meant to censure, chastise, and thence to rule or to teach, and then to decree (as in a royal pronouncement) or to inform and confess.
This prefix A- is one promarily giving a direction: it means something like towards or near which by extension can provide emphasis. AshAs is like shAs but could be reversing the direction: it means to ask for or desire or pray; on the other hand it could emphasize the instruction or command sense of the word.
Ashis and AshIs, feminine nouns, meant prayer (older meaning) or blessing (slightly later) from the two senses of AshAs. Though the nominative in Sanskrit was Ashi/IH, in modern Indian languages, Ashi/ISa is the written form, and the last a is dropped in the pronounciation. It is used as a male name.
And AshaMs? Well that is not used as a name: that root originally did mean hope/expectation etc., but is now more often used for fear. Similarly, it can mean to praise or to announce, but ...