The answers are in
bold I hope you had fun! :D
1. Which of these masculine Bibical names means 'watchful'?
Ira Dathan means "fountain",
Jabez means "sorrow", and
Ebenezer means "stone of help".
2. Which of the these feminine name's meaning has nothing to do with an elf?
Arwen , it means "noble maiden"!
Aubrey means "elf power",
Elfreda means "elf strength", and
Siofra means "elf" in Irish Gaelic!
3. In the USA 1991 which of these names ranked higher than the others?
Christopher at #2
The other names ranked as follows in 1991:
Matthew #3,
Joshua #4, and
Daniel #6!
4. In which country did the feminine name
Andrea rank #7 in 2004?
In the other countries it ranked as follows in 2004: USA #57, Norway #15, and Hungary #62!
5. In his plays Shakespeare had a total of how many characters named
4 A
Balthasar appeared in each of the following plays:
The Comedy of Errors, Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, and
Much Ado About Nothing!
Is go dtéigh tu mo bhoirin slán
This message was edited 3/8/2006, 7:57 PM