[Opinions] Eva
What do you think of this name?
Love it and Eve!
Love it!
~~Counting down the days until I go to Spain~~
~~Counting down the days until I go to Spain~~
Really like it, very pretty.
I like it a lot, along with Eve, which I adore as a mn. Eva Gabrielle is a past-loved combo. One of my new favorites is Rebekah Eve or Norah Eve.
Love it.
("Open to comments/suggestions/bribes/chocolates/vodka-shots etc")
DS: Evander Nikolai Caspian
DD: Imogen Mette Miranda
("Open to comments/suggestions/bribes/chocolates/vodka-shots etc")
DS: Evander Nikolai Caspian
DD: Imogen Mette Miranda
Gorgeous, beautiful, and very elegant. I really love it. It's classic and tradtional, but not worn at all.
I love it, if it's pronounced anyway but EE-va, see below ;c). I am of Hispanic decent and in Spanish, E's are prn eh and not ee. I don't mind AY-vah, but can't stand EE-vah. My son points out that it makes my name sounds like 'evil', I agree! Growing up, I was teased with the moniker, Evil EE-vah. But living in the states, it's to be expected that it will almost always be prn as EE-vah. :(
* pronounced EH-vah =)
Elijah Morris 6.23.99
Rahine Miguel Lynnwood 6.29.05 [pronounced rah-HEEN]
Boy #3 EDD 7.09.06 CSD 6.30.06

Elijah Morris 6.23.99
Rahine Miguel Lynnwood 6.29.05 [pronounced rah-HEEN]
Boy #3 EDD 7.09.06 CSD 6.30.06
Really sweet. I love Eve names

I quite like it. I probably wouldn't use it but. I prefer Evie.
I hate it. It is not pretty and it is getting too popular.

It is a nice name. i most likely would not use it on my own kids but for someone else it very nice.
Jack Bauer Rocks!
Jack Bauer Rocks!
I like Eve more than Eva... but I would still rather see it as a nn to Evelyn. I could see Eve as a mn to something though and it wouldn't seen as lacking (and it could go with everything - well... not Evelyn Eve or anything, lol).
Examples (picking from your list):
Abigail Eve
Charlotte Eve
Helena Eve
Isabella Eve
Greta Eve
Evelyn Moira
Evelyn Rosalie
Evelyn Greta
"We can even learn from our enemies." -Ovid
Mitakuye Oyasin
Examples (picking from your list):
Abigail Eve
Charlotte Eve
Helena Eve
Isabella Eve
Greta Eve
Evelyn Moira
Evelyn Rosalie
Evelyn Greta
"We can even learn from our enemies." -Ovid
Mitakuye Oyasin