[Opinions] Mirna
Just came into my thoughts. Opinions on Mirna? photo image_zps50478a13.jpg
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I like Mirna. I think I prefer Morna or Myrna, but I still like Mirna a lot. It's an attractive name.
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I've got two Myrna friends, so I'm not at all used to this spelling. But I think I prefer it to Myrna - less ornate. I wouldn't use either, though - that er sound doesn't appeal.
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I like it, it has a nice meaning and is different. Though I agree in prefering it spelt Myrna. I like the name Mira which could be a good nickname of Mirna.
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Love it. I actually suggested it to Julius, but I had imagined it spelled Myrna in my head. Mirna is slightly more modern looking, and I like it. It's considered quite old-fashioned and dusty where I live. Julius vetoed it, of course, but I would still recommend it. I think it has the quirky charm of a Myrtle or Hazel.
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Ever since I heard that there was a gay bar in Anchorage, Alaska called Mad Myrna's, I have had a positive association with the name -- best gay bar name I have ever heard. I prefer the spelling Myrna.
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Pretty enough, with a nice meaning. I like Mirna Diane.
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