[Opinions] Re: Ivy (m)
Thank goodness! When I saw Ivy (m) I feared that a boy had been named Ivy!I've got a Holly niece, OK stepniece, who is pleasant but somehow not quite comfortable in her own skin. Can't put my finger on it. Generally speaking I'm not keen on -olly names, except Polly which I like a lot. Dolly, however, Holly, Molly and Ollie just don't do it for me. But Holly is a wonderful plant!Ivy, though, is a pain of a plant. Gloomy, invasive and unforgivably difficult to get rid of. Together they make a fine carol, though.
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Ivy (m)  ·  Leontine  ·  8/20/2015, 4:13 AM
Re: Ivy (m)  ·  Pink Princess  ·  8/23/2015, 3:41 AM
Re: Ivy (m)  ·  Anneza, nsi  ·  8/21/2015, 2:31 AM
Re: Ivy (m)  ·  BookEm'Danno  ·  8/20/2015, 1:00 PM
Re: Ivy (m)  ·  kudriashkajo  ·  8/20/2015, 11:29 AM
Re: Ivy (m)  ·  Joiya  ·  8/20/2015, 6:19 AM
Re: Ivy (m)  ·  spacealien  ·  8/20/2015, 5:57 AM