[Opinions] Sheridan
WDYT of Sheridan?It's listed on the site as unisex - which historically makes sense, since it started out as a surname - but I cannot imagine a boy or man with the first name Sheridan. It feels almost unbearably pretentious. However, I *really* like Sheridan for a girl; it's elegant while being... I don't know, substantial. It's hardly an "airy" name.
Please rate my personal short name lists (the latter includes combos):
www.behindthename.com/pnl/69381/91835 (updated)
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I secretly love Sheridan on a girl. I would absolutely consider it for use IRL. I like Sher too. And Sherry is kinda sweet in a "not quite vintage but still outdated" way- it's really the only name like that that I like. I couldn't imagine it on a boy until RIGHT before I read your post, lol. It was weird I went through this thought process in my head wondering about what gender you'd be asking about; myself assuming female since that's how I've always considered it but then had to imagine you could be asking about it for a boy.... And I never thought I would but I kinda like it, or at least don't mind it. Although it is a bit pretentious sounding
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I like it but like you I cannot see it on a guy--probably because my only experience with the name was a female cop (I think) from a show I used to watch. I think she was a minor character.
To me, it's a tough, no nonsense name for a girl.
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You must watch Keeping Up Appearances. Sheridan is the never seen son of the main characters, Richard and Hyacinth Bucket. Or, as she always corrects people, "It's bouquet". I prefer it for a boy, even though it isn't my style.
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First time I heard the nameI don't know if I've ever seen "Keeping Up Appearances." Does the main character have a sister (or other relative) whose mugs are all broken? If so, I think I've seen one episode on PBS a long time ago...Honestly... the first time I heard Sheridan as a (feminine) name was on a soap opera! It was a particularly cheesy one, too: "Passions," which ended in 2008. I initially dismissed it as a "soap opera name" because of this - like Greenlee on "All My Children" - but have recently grown to love it.
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Passions!I remember that show! I was sooo into it when it first started, because it was bonkers and I was 16. I remember loving the name Sheridan and hating the name Ivy because of that show. Also I loved the name Pilar.
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On either sex, it sounds to me like a surname, and to me it has that armed forces / locker room air of guys addressing one another by their surname. It's about as nice on a girl as Murphy (which was another surname fad for girls) - not very nice IMO.
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Regarding MurphyI checked the popularity charts for Murphy, and saw only male usage in the Top 1000; so if there was a "girls named Murphy" fad it must have been very small, and/or only regional (at least in the States).The only female Murphy I know of is Murphy Brown.
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It sounds strictly feminine to me. I think because it is similar to names like Sharon and Cheryl. I think it is a good name if you want something uncommon without getting too out there.
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Of all surnames that are used on girls, I find this the least objectionable. It has a feminine feel. I agree it sounds pretentions on a male.
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