[Opinions] Greer
What do you think of Greer for a boy? Which combos below would you choose for me to keep on my list? Thanks!Greer Tobias
Greer Jacob
Greer Francis
Greer Miles
Greer Percy
Greer Josiah
Greer Matthew
Greer Isaac
Greer Nathaniel
Greer Alexander
Greer Solomon
Greer Frederick
Greer Isaiah
Greer Michael
Greer Martin
Greer Oliver
Greer Philip
Greer Harold
Greer Jonas
Greer Abraham
Greer William
Greer Malcolm
Greer James
Greer Edwin
Greer Simon
Greer Ezekiel
Greer Theodore
Greer Mathis
Greer Thaddeus
Greer Maxwell
Greer Thomas
Greer Augustine
Greer Nicholas
Greer Benjamin
Greer Julian
Greer Walter
Greer Barnaby
Greer Franklin
Greer Wilkins
Greer Henry
Greer Louis
Greer Edmund
Greer Joseph
Greer Samuel
Greer Nathan
Greer Silas
Greer Jasper“She’s mad, but she’s magic. There’s no lie in her fire.” - Charles Bukowskihttp://www.behindthename.com/pnl/147561
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#1 ugliest name top prize
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If that name were pronounced like Gregor without the middle G - greh-er, grayr - instead of like grievous, I might think it was alright. As it is, though, I can hardly stand to look at it, it's so ugly.
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Actually I like Greer better for a girl. Out of your combos I kind of like Greer Tobias, Greer Miles, Greer Isaac, Greer Thomas, and Greer Joseph.
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Sounds to much like sneer or leer for me to like it. My favorite combos of your list are Greer Nathaniel and Greer Tobias. I do like it better for a boy. I think it's absolutely hideous on a girl.

This message was edited 11/1/2015, 11:11 AM

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I really like it, but on a boy I think I prefer it spelled Grier.I like these combos best:
Greer Francis
Greer Oliver
Greer William
Greer Julian
Greer Walter
Greer Franklin
Greer Nathan
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Greer is the name of the (lady) villain in a story I wrote, though I could see it being used on a boy. Of your combos, I like Greer Samuel, Greer Silas, and Greer Miles the best. I think Greer might work better as a middle name, though.
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Yeah, it's typically used more on girls but I'm crushing on it. I can definitely see how it would work a bit better in the middle.Thanks!
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