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[Opinions] Re: Finnish BAs
I like:
Noel Sulo Henrik (Sari and Jonas)
Henrik Allan, sister Olivia
Matias Alfred, sisters Ellen and Eva Oona Inkeri - a rather odd combination of names.
Oona Elisabeth - Wait, is Oona a Finnish name?
Lilian Elise, brother Thomas - I've seen this combination so many times.
Noomi Elsa Esteri, brother Leevi (Elina)
Sylvia, sister Linnea
Nomi Olivia
Nora Linnea, brother Paul Matias (Sari)
Louisa Miriam (Philip)Oliver Manu Petteri
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Yep, Oona is also used in Finland. It's pronounced a bit differently than in English though, something like OH-nah (the OH sound is held longer like all the double vowels in a Finnish language). I don't know how Oona has found its way to Finland, but according to a Finnish Wikipedia page it's popularity started to rise in the 1980's.
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