[Opinions] Ruth
Love it? Hate it? What are your thoughts on Ruth?* The Poster Formerly Known As Billina *
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Hate it. Just never liked how it sounded. Seems too much like an old lady.
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I'm surprised to see so many people with distaste for Ruth. I love its simplicity, biblical allusion, and familiarity without popularity. It peaked about 100 years ago (US) which seems to be that sweet spot for resurrection of "dated" names. And personally, I do like the sound. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about Ruthann(e) and Annaruth since they honor two special women for me.
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It was my grandmother's middle name. I'd consider it for a middle name after her. It's certainly not pretty but there's something about it that's cool. It's strong. If I were to use it as a first name (which I probably wouldn't) I'd use Ruthie as a nickname, which I think is adorable.
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It's my little sister's middle name-- Lillian Ruth! I think it works well in the middle, but I don't think it sounds as nice as a first name.
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Well I'm in the minority here, but I love it! I have always loved the Biblical story of Ruth and used verses from that book as my wedding vows. I would definitely consider it for a mn.
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Sorry, Ruth is one of my least fave names ever. It's very abrupt and has that long u sound that I hate when the stress is on the u.
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I like it a lot and would gladly use it, though I could never get it past my existing family and I wouldn't trade them in just for a Ruth.People are finding it ugly. To me, it absolutely shimmers with excitement and beauty - I once knew a cool-blonde Ruth who was a professional ballet dancer, and that seemed perfect.
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I hate it.The sound is horrible
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I want to like it because of the Ruths I've known, plus I'm generally a fan of minimalist/non-frilly options for girls.Alas, I hate saying it.

This message was edited 12/26/2015, 5:28 PM

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Ugly as homeade sin. Ugly in sound and looks. Like a dog barking, or somebody with the croup.
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Personally, I hate it. I hate the sound of it. But I can see its charm so I don't blame others for liking it.
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I like Ruth, probably wouldn't use it as a first name but I could see it as a middle name!
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I think Ruth is sweet. I can see a bouncy little girl or a cuddly granny with this name, and either one is all sunshine and rose petals. Plus I think potential nn's Rue and Ruthie are adorable.Ruth Anne (I don't know why I always liked these names together. I even like Ruthanne, it a GPish sort of way)
Ruth Regina
Ruth Estera
Ruth Astrid
Ruth Talitha / Talitha Ruth
Ruth Genevieve
Ruth Clarissa
Ruth Zenaida
Ruth Malina
Ruth Ava
Ruth Ivana
Ruth Germaine
Ruth Abital / Abital Ruth
Lalia Ruth
Roxana Ruth
Hilda Ruth
Zella Ruth
Hecate Ruth
Vivienne Ruth
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I think it's a wonderful choice, and sensational among modern parents. Ruthie is also adorable for a young girl. Love Ruth Emmeline.
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I really like it. Not frilly, but not ugly.:0)
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I hate it. Why does anyone think it's pretty? Why does anyone think it's nice? Why does anyone think it's cute? It's none of those things. It's fugly. And I think of Babe Ruth.
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I think it's homey and warm and dependable. I would never name a daughter Ruth, though.
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