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[Opinions] Re: Finnish BAs
I don't always comment but I really enjoy these posts - such a nice variety of names. :)
Do you know any more about these?:
- and how is Soile pronounced?
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I'm glad to know you like these posts :)Maaret (pronounced as MAH:-reht): a variant of Maarit, thus a Finnish form of Margaret
Sasu (SAH-soo): a diminutive of Sakari or Salomon
Maiju (MIE-yoo): a variant of Maija, thus a Finnish variant of Maria
Peik (PAYK):
Evald (EH-vahld): a variant of Ewald
Onerva (OH-nehr-vah): Soile is pronounced as SOY-leh :)
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I don't like Onerva, but that is such a crazily pretty meaning! Is that the proper meaning or is it just a poetic meaning someone has attached to the name? Cos according to the entry history, it's "derived" from 'odelma' meaning 'aftergrass; the hay grown after harvesting' and Odelma ---> Onerva is one heck of a leap. Also I think Odelma is probably prettier than Onerva :/
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To be honest, I'm not sure. "Onerva/odelma" is an old word from the time when Finland was still an agrarian society: because of the urbanization these words have been forgotten and only few people know their real meanings. So, I don't know if "onerva" was derived from "odelma" or if they were just synonyms used in different areas etc.However, there's a name, which is related to Onerva based on its spelling: Kanerva ( It can be that "odelma" was the proper word and someone just got an idea to mix it with Kanerva, and thus Onerva was born.
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