[Opinions] Meadow
Meadow has really been growing on me. WDYT? Is it too tied to The Sopranos? I have never seen the show (not really my thing).
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It's very cute, but it's only a GP or a MN for me.
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I think if you had given birth to a daughter 10 years ago, it would definitely have been associated with The Sopranos. But I think that association is less and less prevalent as time goes on.
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Ditto to everything you just said! I'm concerned about the Sopranos thing, but have never watched it either.
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I love Meadow. I think this name was on one of my first name lists, together with some terrible choices like Ashley and Vicky. But I still like Meadow. It reminds me of Willow, but I think it's even better.
I wouldn't worry about the Sopranos connection too much. Most people won't even think of it.
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I don't tie it to the show because I never watched it either, but I don't really think I would tie it to the show if I had. I feel like I always knew it could be a name. ??There was a girl named Meadow in my daughter's class when she took gymnastics. I was surprised to find out that when I heard it used out loud, it did not seem dumb, the way I thought it would before I heard it. It sounded about as normal as Willow, and actually a lot less ugly than Willow.It's nms because it's kind of like Clover - the pastoral vibe is over the top, it makes me think of cow patties. But I don't think of that when it is someone's name. It's not bad, a little eccentric / hippy in a reasonably pleasant way. Not as trendy-ish as Summer (was when it was hip).
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I think it's awesome and I didn't know it was tied to the Sopranos until recently. That's the only reason I might not use it actually, since I'm from that area and the Sopranos is quite popular here, haha.I find myself using it as a middle name a lot. It's airy but not spacy, pretty but not flowery. Lorena Meadow is my fav.
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I don't like it. It's way too flowery hippy dippy trippy. The sound of it just scares me.
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I haven't seen The Sopranos as well and frankly, I wouldn't be too worried about Meadow's association with The Sopranos.Thinking about Meadow, as a name, I guess I'm starting to get warmed up by this, though I imagine having a hard time being in an actual meadow without sneezing a lot, so that sort of kills the goodness of the name.
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Hi !!!I don't follow this tv series so for me Meadow is a peaceful feminine name XDXDI like this name because it remember me a song "Meadows of Heaven" by Nightwish and a peaceful bright place.Byeeeee
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