[Opinions] Iskra & Tesni
These are two names that have meanings that I love - Iskra means spark (Stephen Fry did a really interesting essay on Iskra meaning the spark of knowledge, but a google search brings up nothing on it) and Tesni - warmth from the sun.But I dislike the sound of both and when I brought up Tesni to my brother his reaction was "TESTES?! Are you crazy!?"I've now marked them for future cats. My question is - are there any names with neat histories or meanings that you wouldn't use - whether they're too unusual or you just don't like the name or they have baggage you don't like?
The moral of Pete's story is: No matter what you step in, keep walking along and singing your song... because it's all good.
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Iskra just means spark and the names sound odd for a human. Like weird parents odd.
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I don't like Iskra, it sounds so harsh. There used to be a Swedish band called Iskra, btw.
I like Tesni, it's cute.
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Iskra and Tesni would be great for cats. If I met a child named Iskra, I'd assume the parents were rabid old-style communists, I'd think there might be another sibling named Lenina or something.There are plenty of names I like but wouldn't use, namely because they're not easy enough or would sound too weird in Italian. Or, for instance, I like Ligeia, but the EA Poe association is too strong and kind of creepy. Same goes for Ophelia-lovely name, but who wants a daughter named after a character who goes crazy and drowns herself?
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I don't understand how Tesni sounds like testes, but a-ok. I'd never heard of Iskra before, it's really beautiful. It reminds me of Brîska ("glitter"). Same poppy/snappy sound, perhaps they have the same origin.There are names that I adore that I wouldn't even fell comfortable giving to a cat...Achlys (http://www.behindthename.com/name/achlys/submitted) - meaning is way too morbid and it doesn't even sound nice rolling of the tongue, it's only nice sounding in my head lolAmestris (http://www.behindthename.com/name/amestris/submitted) and Ishtar and Vashti - I just think it would be rude to use these names, they feel too important. That's just me though.Asherah - same reason, it would feel rude to use it. Such a cool meaning though! I don't know, am I being dumb thinking these names would be insensitive to use?Blodeuwedd - It would be badass as a middle name, but it's too awkward for me to say. I think it's "blo-day-WETH", someone correct me?Deïanira (http://www.behindthename.com/name/dei12anira/submitted) - Okay I would totally use this on a cat/bunny, but it might be a bit much for a person since it means "man-destoyer".Exuperia (http://www.behindthename.com/name/exuperia/submitted) - A bit too fancy for a person. Meaning "to (greatly) excel, to (greatly) surpass, to (greatly) surmount".Janus - It's a fantastic name but I can't stop hearing anus. :( Damn the English language.

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This message was edited 2/15/2016, 4:13 PM

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I love Tesni. I clearly remember years and years ago starting a thread about it and you commented on your brother's reaction being 'testes' and it turned me off. I like it as a GP though.Iskra is interesting. I enjoy the pointy-ness of it and it's kind of snappy. It would seem ridiculous for me to use it but I could imagine a more hippie-ish or alternative person using it and it working well.
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Word names are hard for me. I have a handful that I really like, but some of them are such lofty concepts that they seem a little... ridiculous. Or full of themselves. Like:Clarity
Reason (m)And word names that ultimately are a little silly because they're more word than name:Day
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Tons. Cloelia has nice history, but is way too fancy. Theophilus sounds great, but I could never name a child that. Same with word names like Clarity, Charity, and Thyme.
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Put links if you post unusual names. Please! My pet peeve! hahaI agree they have great meanings but are awfully awkward to say for someone with American speech habits. Tesni sounds like an acronym. Iskra is much more sayable, IMO, but I would probably end up calling her Izzy or Isky.I would not use some foreign names I like the meaning of, or like for fairly shallow reasons, for a child because I would feel kinda dumb using a name I don't say quite right and don't really have a good idea what it connotes to people. And I like some names that have baggage, or I just can't say right.Chandra - I met a guy called this once. prn more like chundruh
Ashika - saw it on a young girl, don't know what it means.
Dari - same
Lucifer - such a meaning.
Jezebel - who was defamed because history is a tale told by conquerors, and I want to use it mainly just to express skepticism.
Ferelith - uh, how do you really say this? haha
Laniakea - great meaning, not sure it's even a name for people tho.
Mercury - everybody goes, "like Freddie?" Ugh. No, not like Freddie. Not like the metal, not like the car ... forget it.
Phaedra - baggage galore, a bit like Electra! (though that is not enough by itself to make me not use a name) and I'd want it said FEDra not "Fay" or "Fee"
Ramón - I can't make that initial RR and anyway, I have Raymond.
Even Charlotte could be on this list because even though I love it, I don't naturally say it in the pretty way I think it should be said (sharlawt. I say sharlet) and that's the main reason I didn't use it.
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I just asked my boyfriend what he thinks of Tesni and he said that it's horrible. I asked if it makes him think of testes and he said no. In polish iskra is just the word for spark.
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What's your point? This isn't a post asking about the name, and everyone has a different opinion. I was asking what are names that you love the meaning of, or the story behind, that you wouldn't use.Iskra is the word for spark in a few different languages it seems, but it's also the name. And as I said, Stephen Fry did a very cool essay using iskra has the spark of knowledge that gives humans their curiosity and thirst for knowledge
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wow that's kinda rude and catty. You do weird vig.
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I've read that essay by Stephen Fry. I quite like Iskra, partly because of that, but I wouldn't use it myself. Anyway, to answer your question:Balder - love the meaning (prince) and it's an interesting story from Norse mythology, but it just doesn't seem usable.
Krishna - love the sound and the way it looks. It means black or dark. But it's just too tied to the Hindu god.
Prometheus - love everything about it, but it's too out there.
Bathsheba - lovely name, and it means daughter of the oath. But it's just not usable.

This message was edited 2/15/2016, 10:57 AM

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KrishnaI love Krishna, especially the legends and stories surrounding Krishna. It's one of my all time favorite names, and one of my all time favorite myths. Unfortunately...I'm not Hindu and it would be very, very odd if I used it.Prometheus is really cool. Have you ever read Promethea? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promethea Really awesome series.And I agree with Balder and Bathsheba. Although I'm not familiar with the story surrounding Balder. I'll have to check it out.
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Hi !!!!You are right!
Often names have a beautiful meaning but a bad/strange sound...
For these names is the same case.Personally I don't like Tesni at all.
It is not a given name in my mind...it seems a word.But I think that Iskra is wonderful!!!
Beautiful meaning and very good sound!
Quite exotic...but so pretty!
I would use it not only on a cat but also on a little girl.Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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