[Opinions] Alida
Having a love affair with the name Alida right now. Sometimes nn Ida!I was thinking of Alida Jane. What middle name would you pair with Alida?
--"We are all horrible and wonderful and figuring it out." - Harris Wittels
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My great-grandmother was called Alida. Anna Alida. My grandmother was called Alida Margareta. I think Alida is a lovely name.

This message was edited 3/3/2016, 5:39 AM

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Gorgeous names!
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This is a new name for me. I have never come across Alida before. How are you pronouncing it? It's a German name therefore should be pronounced ah-LEE-dah, however I pronounce Ida as EYE-da. Alida Wilhelmine
Alida Madelief
Alida Helena
Alida Jacoba
Alida Cathrin
Alida Nicola
Alida Charlotte
Alida Irene
Alida Ulrike
Alida Margit
Alida Barbara
Alida Johanneke
Alida Valerie
Alida Ruth
Alida Freya
Alida Maud
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Thanks! I much prefer to pronounce Ida like EE-da, though that's tough in the US, so I think Alida is a nice transition.And thanks for your suggestions. Alida Maude and Alida Cathrin are my favorites.
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It's nice! I can't think of anything to go with it at this time though.
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I like Alida. Alida Jane is cute. But, no. Not Ida. Ugh! I hate it! I'd go with Alida Corey
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Alida Jane is very nice!
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Hi !!!!Alida Jane is beautiful!!!!
These two name have the same sensation for me!
Don't change them...Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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I would pronounce Alida ah-LEE-dah and Ida EYE-dah. Are you pronouncing Ida EE-dah? Alida Jane is pretty sweet, actually. I might do
Alida Janae
Alida June
Alida Fern
Alida Rae
Alida Romilly
Alida Camille
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Yeah, I pronounce Ida EE-da. I know in the US that would be tough, so I think Alida nn Ida might fly a little easier. :)and thank you! Really liking Alina Fern.Edit: Alida Fern! lol

This message was edited 3/2/2016, 5:46 PM

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