[Opinions] Clive
What do you think of the name Clive?
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It always reminds me of Clive from Professor Layton.It sounds very stereotypically British. Most of the famous bearers seem to be British - C. S. Lewis, Clive Owen, Clive Standen, Clive Farrington (from When in Rome), Clive Barker, the list goes on...

This message was edited 3/12/2016, 8:25 AM

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I think it's an okay name, but it's nms because it reminds me of both the word 'cleave' and chives.
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TrendyI know three under ten. It's also nms.
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Interesting. Are they all in your area? Perhaps there's a regional popularity. I meet a lot of children, and I've never met a Clive before!
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Yes.Two are friends of friends, one is a child I just met at the library.
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*sons of friends.
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I did the math and you know .579% of all the Clives born in the last 10 years.Which is roughly the equivalent of knowing all the Andrews born in 2013. Andrew was #22 that year; there were 11622 of them.
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LOLThat's hilarious.
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I agree.Clive is more of a dated name than a trendy one. I've noticed a lot of older British men are named Clive. (Clive seems to have been more common in the UK than the US. Frasier even had a joke about the Britishness of the name Clive in one episode. Clive only appeared on the US charts nine times - 1885, 1892, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1906, 1930, 1931, and 1935.)

This message was edited 3/12/2016, 8:21 AM

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That's weird. Clive has not even been in the top 1000 names (at least in the US) since 1935.

This message was edited 3/11/2016, 7:38 PM

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I honestly do know three Clives. One has siblings Mamie, Alfred and Ollie.
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Look at the popularity chart. I was surprised to read that comment too.
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I believe it now. It's hilarious.
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I've always thought it was a lot weirder than it actually is. It sounds like an herb or something to me, like between clove and chive in flavor, with a touch of olive maybe. Get creme fraiche and clives on your baked potato instead of sour cream and chives.
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Not considering the fact that the author of The Chronicles of Narnia had this name, I have never been partial to it.
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I'm mostly indifferent but I think it could grow on me.
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Hi !!!Clive...
Well, I don't know.
I didn't know this name.It seems quite cute but...I prefer other names.Byeeeeeeee
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