[Opinions] Interesting triplet set
They're roughly 3 months old now:Sawyer (g)
Swayze (g)
John Tucker (double fn)Thoughts?I think it's pretty abominable and Swayze is possibly my new least favourite name. It sounds like 'lazy' for crying out loud!
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John Tucker Must Die..... This was a movie about three girls getting back at a boy who was secretly dating all of them at the same time. Really?????? I don't like Swayze as a first name. Sawyer is okay for a boy, but I don't like it as a girls's name.
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Sawyer is actually a GP of mine, mainly because of the character Tom Sawyer (and... all right, partially because of the character on "Lost"). But not for a girl, not at all. And Swayze is even worse!John Tucker, as a double name, is straight-up redneck. I know that isn't a very nice thing to say, but I mean... this is redneck to the point where I'd expect him to grow up to murder people with chainsaws.
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Hate the name Tucker, but John or Jon is fine. John Tucker sounds a bit like some kind of cleaning or other equipment, though I don't know what it would be used for.
Sawyer is just one of those totally beige, sexless, faceless non-first-names that are in style just now.
Swayze just makes me think of Patrick and "Dirty Dancing." Very weird thing to name a girl after. And it's not like there's any other association behind the name, except in the US, there was an early TV news anchor named John Cameron Swayze, but he sure isn't remembered by childbearing-age people now.
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That's not totally random at all or anything...Looks like they used a name generator and chose the first three names they got. Really bad.
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Okay, Swayze is a Ghost, John Tucker Must Die... how does Sawyer fit in?
Swayze is interesting to me, like, not as a name I'd use or even want to see, just the popularity... It was used 5 times for girls in 1989 (two years after Dirty Dancing, 7 times for boys in 1991 (after Ghost came out), then nothing until 2004, when it was used on 6 girls (there were a few movies in 2003 and 2004, but Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights came out at the beginning of 2004). 2005, 5 girls, 2007, 5 girls spelled Swayzee, and then it has appeared every year since Patrick Swayze died (in 2009)-- 5 Swayzee's in 2009, 17 girls and 7 boy Swayzes in 2010 (he died late in 2009, September, so not surprising the effect wasn't seen until the next year), 26 girls, 6 boys, and 13 girl Swayzee's in 2011... in 2012, 53 girls (+20 Swayzees) and 14 boys, 2013, 59 girls (+17) and 9 boys... going back down in 2014, 50 girls (+18) and 9 boys. I don't know, it's just so weird. Has this happened with the names of any other actors?
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River and Phoenix, both from 1993ish.
Valentino spiked right after Rudolph V. died.
Dean got more frequent when James Dean died.
Richie after Richie Valens (not an actor, but). Holly as well, but likely coincidence.
ETA Aaliyah, Selena.

This message was edited 3/20/2016, 3:08 PM

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it would be interesting ...But the only recently-dead actor's name that I can think of that isn't either already pretty familiar as a first name or totally unlikely to ever be, is Brando.
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Brilliant.Just...Oh. I love this.

Patrick Swayze would find this hilarious.
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