[Opinions] Worst twin names ever?
Lyle Stardust and Elenore Starshine.
I spent a decent amount of time at the hospital tonight, because of various non-life-threatening maladies, and I used the time coming up with combos. And, much as I'm afraid to say so, I really, really like Elenore Starshine, especially with Lennie or Nelle as a nickname. Bear in mind that it's highly unlikely I'd ever have twins (they don't run in our family), so I'm about as likely to make good on these two as my sister is on her plans to have Luke and Leia! :P
And other combos I would appreciate comments on (some are new, and some are not):
Claudette Honorah
Janis Lucille
Lucida Janet
Dolores Rainey (after Ma Rainey, natch)
Solveig Lisette
Juniper Helen
Cornelia Holiday
Jamesina Ruby
Janine Teresa
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie"
Anthea Coral
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
I spent a decent amount of time at the hospital tonight, because of various non-life-threatening maladies, and I used the time coming up with combos. And, much as I'm afraid to say so, I really, really like Elenore Starshine, especially with Lennie or Nelle as a nickname. Bear in mind that it's highly unlikely I'd ever have twins (they don't run in our family), so I'm about as likely to make good on these two as my sister is on her plans to have Luke and Leia! :P
And other combos I would appreciate comments on (some are new, and some are not):
Claudette Honorah
Janis Lucille
Lucida Janet
Dolores Rainey (after Ma Rainey, natch)
Solveig Lisette
Juniper Helen
Cornelia Holiday
Jamesina Ruby
Janine Teresa
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie"
Anthea Coral
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
Elenore Starshine is really very nice, somewhat poetic too. I like Lenore and Lenora Starshine also. Lennie and Nelle are great. Even though I prefer Nell or Nellie.
Lyle Stardust isn't as much my style, but if it works for you it's great. I can only think of Lyle Lowett for Lyle. There was a song I loved many years ago by some group called Stardust (or was it?), so it brings fond memories...
Claudette Honorah - ooh, nice!
Janis Lucille - I like Lucille, so I prefer Lucille Janis.
Lucida Janet - nice
Dolores Rainey - Dolores is beautiful. Perfect combination of letters. I like Dolorosa, which is frillier. I don't know who Ma Rainey is, can't reference.
Solveig Lisette - great too! Sunny sunshiny name.
Juniper Helen - nice, refined.
Cornelia Holiday - it's ok, I'm not feeling Holiday yet.
Jamesina Ruby - great! I think that Jamsin would be logical abbrevation of Jamesina, as Tamsin is of Thomasina. As a nickname.
Janine Teresa - it's allright.
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie" - nice combo. I like Wilmie, Wim, Helmi, Mina and Minty as nicknames.
Anthea Coral - this is nice too.
Thanks for all your comments!
Ma Rainey was an early blues singer--a forerunner of Bessie Smith--and was one of the first blues musicians to record music. Her given name was Gertrude Pridgett Rainey, and I have to say I find Rainey the most attractive part!
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
Ma Rainey was an early blues singer--a forerunner of Bessie Smith--and was one of the first blues musicians to record music. Her given name was Gertrude Pridgett Rainey, and I have to say I find Rainey the most attractive part!
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
Lyle Stardust and Elenore Starshine - I think they go together perfectly! Lyle and Lennie or Lyle ande Nelle are good to.
I like the way they don't "fit" but still have some kind of conection.
Claudette Honorah - Claudette and Honorah are both nms, but it flows well.
Janis Lucille - I like the name Janis a lot right now, as I am playing Janis Joplin in drama club at school this year :-) I prefer Lucy, but Janis Lucille is ok.
Lucida Janet - It doesn't flow very well imo, and I don't like the names either, sorry!
Dolores Rainey - ok, but sounds like a fifty year old spinster ;-)
Solveig Lisette - nice, if not my style
Juniper Helen - very nice. I'm not a big fan of Helen, but Juniper is one of my favs at the moment to. Juniper Helen sounds nice, but I would prefer it with a different mn.
Cornelia Holiday - If holiday was a ln, it would be ok. But I don't see it as a mn at all. Cornelia is nice though.
Jamesina Ruby - Jamesina is nmsaa, Ruby is ok. I prefer Ruby Jamesina for flow.
Janine Teresa - don't like either names, Theresa is better than Janine though. Flows ok-
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie" - I like this one. But I would prefer Minna as a nn.
Anthea Coral - ok, no fan of Anthea though.

I like the way they don't "fit" but still have some kind of conection.
Claudette Honorah - Claudette and Honorah are both nms, but it flows well.
Janis Lucille - I like the name Janis a lot right now, as I am playing Janis Joplin in drama club at school this year :-) I prefer Lucy, but Janis Lucille is ok.
Lucida Janet - It doesn't flow very well imo, and I don't like the names either, sorry!
Dolores Rainey - ok, but sounds like a fifty year old spinster ;-)
Solveig Lisette - nice, if not my style
Juniper Helen - very nice. I'm not a big fan of Helen, but Juniper is one of my favs at the moment to. Juniper Helen sounds nice, but I would prefer it with a different mn.
Cornelia Holiday - If holiday was a ln, it would be ok. But I don't see it as a mn at all. Cornelia is nice though.
Jamesina Ruby - Jamesina is nmsaa, Ruby is ok. I prefer Ruby Jamesina for flow.
Janine Teresa - don't like either names, Theresa is better than Janine though. Flows ok-
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie" - I like this one. But I would prefer Minna as a nn.
Anthea Coral - ok, no fan of Anthea though.
Worst ones ever?? Not by a longshot, dear. (Hopefully that's not what you were shooting for. If so, try growingfamily.com for a list of choices, LOL!)
Lyle Stardust and Elenore Starshine - Lyle & Elenore (a little thrown off by this spelling) are great. I'm not big on "Star" being in both mn's though. That bothers me like a sibset of Ashley & Wesley would. :-/ If you'd change Starshine to Sunshine = fabuloso.
Claudette Honorah - very lovely (I could do without the extra H on Honora, though)
Janis Lucille - I'm not overjoyed about Janis, but I like Lucille and it's a nice combo
Lucida Janet - I can't get past thinking you forgot the "N" for Lucinda. :b Not my favorite combo, but not bad
Dolores Rainey - very nice
Solveig Lisette - very nice
Juniper Helen - Helen seems too stiff and starched for Juniper
Cornelia Holiday - cute (in a good way)
Jamesina Ruby - LOVE this, can I steal it? :b
Janine Teresa - ok
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie" - LOVE
Anthea Coral - nice
BTW, hope you feel better.

Lyle Stardust and Elenore Starshine - Lyle & Elenore (a little thrown off by this spelling) are great. I'm not big on "Star" being in both mn's though. That bothers me like a sibset of Ashley & Wesley would. :-/ If you'd change Starshine to Sunshine = fabuloso.
Claudette Honorah - very lovely (I could do without the extra H on Honora, though)
Janis Lucille - I'm not overjoyed about Janis, but I like Lucille and it's a nice combo
Lucida Janet - I can't get past thinking you forgot the "N" for Lucinda. :b Not my favorite combo, but not bad
Dolores Rainey - very nice
Solveig Lisette - very nice
Juniper Helen - Helen seems too stiff and starched for Juniper
Cornelia Holiday - cute (in a good way)
Jamesina Ruby - LOVE this, can I steal it? :b
Janine Teresa - ok
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie" - LOVE
Anthea Coral - nice
BTW, hope you feel better.

Hehe, they are a bit cheesy, but they're cute as well. Neither Stardust or Starshine are really my style, but Lyle is nice and I adore Elenore : )
Claudette Honorah - Claudette is nms, but cute and Honorah is nice, although I prefer it spelled as Honora.
Janis Lucille - I dislike Janis, Lucille is cute though.
Lucida Janet - I dislike Janet, but I like Lucida.
Dolores Rainey (after Ma Rainey, natch) - I dislike Dolores, but Rainey is cute.
Solveig Lisette - Very nice! I like it : )
Juniper Helen - Gorgeous! Love it!
Cornelia Holiday - I dislike Holiday, but Cornelia is very nice.
Jamesina Ruby - Nmsaa
Janine Teresa - Nmsaa
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie" - Very cute! But I dislike the nickname Billie, I would call her Mina : )
Anthea Coral - Beautiful, I love it!

Claudette Honorah - Claudette is nms, but cute and Honorah is nice, although I prefer it spelled as Honora.
Janis Lucille - I dislike Janis, Lucille is cute though.
Lucida Janet - I dislike Janet, but I like Lucida.
Dolores Rainey (after Ma Rainey, natch) - I dislike Dolores, but Rainey is cute.
Solveig Lisette - Very nice! I like it : )
Juniper Helen - Gorgeous! Love it!
Cornelia Holiday - I dislike Holiday, but Cornelia is very nice.
Jamesina Ruby - Nmsaa
Janine Teresa - Nmsaa
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie" - Very cute! But I dislike the nickname Billie, I would call her Mina : )
Anthea Coral - Beautiful, I love it!

Oooh. You've got some real gems on your list.
Cornelia and Wilhelmina jump out immediately, for me. I even like Billie as a nn. It has a WWII, Rosie the Riveter feeling.
Juniper Helen and Jamesina Ruby are especially nice combinations. Jamesina Ruby transports me to the court of James I of England, where a ruby is worn by some courtier. Fun.
Delores / Dolores, Clare, Solveig and Anthea are terrific too.
Cornelia and Wilhelmina jump out immediately, for me. I even like Billie as a nn. It has a WWII, Rosie the Riveter feeling.
Juniper Helen and Jamesina Ruby are especially nice combinations. Jamesina Ruby transports me to the court of James I of England, where a ruby is worn by some courtier. Fun.
Delores / Dolores, Clare, Solveig and Anthea are terrific too.
i like Starshine, but i prefer Starlight
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
Claudette Honorah - nmsaa
Janis Lucille - I like these names, the are also the same style, but they don't flow very well imo
Lucida Janet - I like Lucida, but Janet is to plain with it imo
Dolores Rainey (after Ma Rainey, natch) - Sounds fun :) I like it
Solveig Lisette - flows fine, it's ok
Juniper Helen - I love Juniper! I'd pair it with something else though
Cornelia Holiday - nms
Jamesina Ruby - I'm not too fond of male names made feminine, Ruby is fine
Janine Teresa - Janine is ok, I'm not a fan of Teresa
Wilhelmina Clare "Billie" - NMSAA
Anthea Coral - Anthea is very nice, Coral only reminds me of Finding Nemo...
About the twins: I think it's ok, hardly anyone will use the mns anyway, I like Nelle best as a nn (actually I prefer Nora / Nore / Noor (the Dutch nn, pron. NOHR))
The strange thing is that I love Stardust as a mn and I dislike Starshine very much...
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet