[Opinions] Mabel or Ruth?
Both vintage names making comebacks- or at least getting a bit more recognition than they used to- and both in the, 'names that remind me of hand-sewn quilts and warm oatmeal cookies' category. Which would YOU pick, if you had to choose? "And by the way, dearie, your punctuation sucks canal water!"
-The Ghost of Vivian Vance
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RuthMabel sounds 90 years old.
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MabelRuth is so harsh and cold. I probably have that impression because it also reminds me of 'ruthless'. Mabel is warm but has some backbone to it still. I actually much prefer the nickname Ruthie to the name Ruth itself.
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Ruthie reminds me too much of roofie the drugs illegally put into someone elses drink.
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Mabel, no doubtShe could go by Mae or Mabie. Mabel has a cute sound, anyway. Ruth is just ugly.
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Ruth, but not really fond of eithernm
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RuthI don't like Mabel.
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Ruth, but I like Mabel too.
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I've always loved the understated beauty of Ruth, so it would be my personal pick. I also like Mabel very much, and May would make a good nn; I knew a Mabel Leigh Ln at school, a really wonderful girl, but she always went by Leigh which I thought was a pity. Nothing wrong with it, but it's a bit thin compared to the history and pizazz of Mabel.
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I say Ruth. I'm not too wild about either but Ruth was my grandma's legal name so I can use it to honor her.
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Ooo, two cuties! i like Mabel for its vintage feel, but I like Ruth because it's my mom's name. Ruth does not have the same vintage feel to me at all.
I really don't know which I would choose. If I had a Mabel, I would call her Mae and if I had a Ruth, I would call her Ruthie. Too cute!
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Ruth!I love Ruth. It never makes it to my top 10 lists for some reason, but it's a name I could see myself actually using one day. I've honestly never seen it as an old lady name because I've only seen young people named Ruth.Mabel is gross and sticky!
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Ruth - because it's a lovely Biblical character.
Mabel reminds me of "Mabel at the table" - as a British comedian, Wilfred Pickles, used to introduce his wife in their TV/stage act.
Ruth is also timeless.
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RuthI like both, but Ruth has Ruthie and the Book of Ruth.
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MabelRuth is okay as an honoring mn other than that I have issues with it. The biggest issue is it is so hard to pronounce, it is much easier to say Roof so any Ruth I meet usually becomes Roof. Also the only word I can think of that begins with Ruth is Ruthless.Ruth looks nice enough but it sounds much better in my head than when I say it. It sounds so terrible when said out loud.To be fair I have a borderline speech impediment when it comes to th. I can make the th sound but it feels much less natural than f sounds. Ruth is especially hard since it is one syllable and it ends on the th sound, with a name like Anthea or Dorothea or Theodore it is much easier to pronounce.Mabel is okay, I prefer Maple. Maybelle is actually nicer sounding than Mabel but Mabel looks nicer and doesn't seem made up like Maybelle.

This message was edited 8/10/2016, 5:44 PM

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Ruth. I've always loved it.:)
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RuthRuth was on my girl name list.
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RuthMabel would be pretty to me if prn. May-BEL but at least where I'm from our gets prn. May-BUL.:0)
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MabelI really like Mabel, it's vintage, it's charming, it's warm, it makes me think of maple syrup. I hate Ruth, I just see no charm in it all, only ugliness.
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MabelI like both by about the same amount, I just slightly preferred Mabel this second.
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RuthThey're both about the same for me but I slightly prefer Ruth.
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