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Agostino -really like this one
Alessandro -cool
Alessio -love
Andrea -okay
Carmelo -cool
Daniele -meh
Elia -lovely
Emanuele -nms
Enrico -whatever
Fabio -nms, but i like Fabiano.
Francesco -cool
Gaudenzio -mixed feelings
Giacomo -nms
Gianluca -awesome
Gioacchino -sounds too coffee like. Frappuccino, Cappuccino, Giaocchino.
Jacopo -I like the Count of Monte Cristo, but no thanks.
Lorenzo -something kind of sexy about this?
Luca -something definitely sexy about this
Manuel -not a fan of this one, but I'm a fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda so that's gonna be my one exception.
Mattia -For a boy? Nms. Seems like Mattea. Idk.
Mirco -There's something I like about it, but it's not my style overall.
Pietro -adore this name. omg.
Riccardo -no. sounds like a harlequin lover
Salvatore -no thanks
Samuel -whatever
Thomas -dittoMy favourite Italian name is Silvio.
Also love Arsenio, Carmine, Aurelio, Emiliano, and Rosario.

This message was edited 9/8/2016, 10:21 PM

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