[Opinions] Alida
I read a short story recently with a character called Alida Stair - a beautiful society girl. I'd never heard the name before and I absolutely love it. (Have suddenly realised that a big chunk of names on my PNL begin with Al)WDYT?http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/167578
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I really love Alida, it's one of my top names. I'm not sure if I'd use it though because of the way it sort of just blends in with other similar sounding names.People give me a hard time for wanting to pronounce Ida like EE-dah in the U.S., so I came up with the idea of Alida nn Ida. Then people were like "That doesn't make sense because Alida is pronounced a-LEE-dah and Ida is pronounced EYE-dah?" Haha I can't win!

This message was edited 9/16/2016, 12:43 PM

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I love it! It's recognizable but not tiresomely so, and it sounds/looks simpler than it is.
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I like it, but then I like a lot of names starting with Al or Ali. In Italy it's not popular but not totally obscure either because of the classic movie actress Alida Vallihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alida_Valli(Interesting that it's her actual given name).
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I love it!
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I love Alida. I know a little girl called Aleda and I wish it was spelled Alida. It has a Catholic feeling to it without being too obvious (a plus to me). It's just gorgeous.
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I like it, it's a family name. I had a great-grandmother called Alida and it was also my grandma's middle name.
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