[Games] CAF w/names from 1910
Create five families with names popular in the 1910s (1910 to 1919). I got the names from http://behindthename.com/top/lists/1000us1910s.php.
The Bradshaw Family
The Harper Family
The Salazar Family
The Finch Family
The Sullivan Family
Adelle Afton Aida Aline Amalia Annamae Annabel Ara Ardella Ardith Astrid Audra Augustine Aurelia Avis Bethel Bette Birdie Blanche Bonita Carmel Carmella Celestine Charity Claribel Clarissa Clementine Cleo Cordelia Daphne Delilah Delphia Dessie Dixie Domenica Dovie Easter Eldora Elmira Eloisa Elvie Enid Esperanza Estella Etta Evangeline Eveline Exie Fae Ferne Filomena Florida Francisca Garnet Germaine Greta Gussie Gwen Hazel Hedwig Hermina Imelda Imogene Ines Iona Irene Ivory Jettie Judith Justine Larue Lavada Laverne Leonor Leora Lera Letitia Lorna Louvenia Lovie Loyce Lupe Lura Lurline Lyla Macie Mafalda Magnolia Maxie Melba Minna Mozelle Myra Nadine Nedra Nella Neoma Novella Octavia Odessa Olive Ophelia Ouida Ozella Pansy Pearle Petra Pinkie Queenie Ramona Reba Rhea Roma Romaine Rosaline Rosalyn Rosemarie Rosina Rowena Rozella Ruby Sabina Santina Selma Signe Stasia Sudie Sybil Theda Theo Theola Thora Twila Vada Vera Verlie Verona Versie Vesta Vina Violette Viva Vlasta Willa Winona Zella Zelma Zenobia Zita Zona
Abel Amos Angus Ansel Archibald Armond Arno Ashley Attilio Aubrey Barton Baxter Benito Blair Boyce Brady Brooks Bruno Buck Buddy Burl Burley Burnell Byron Caesar Carey Carlyle Cedric Chas Chauncey Columbus Cornell Crawford Damon Dante Dayton Denver Denzil DeWitt Domenick Donovan Dorsey Duncan Durwood Dwight Edison Eldridge Elwyn Emmet Erling Ezekiel Felix Felton Finis Finley Fletcher Florian Franklyn Fritz Gaetano Gaston General Giles Green Hamilton Hampton Hardy Hayes Hector Hezekiah Hudson Ignacio Jefferson Jennings Jules Kendall Kirby Lafayette Lambert Lawson Leander Lemuel Leopold Lincoln Linus Llewellyn Logan Lonzo Loyal Mack Mahlon Marcellus Masao McKinley Milan Mortimer Murphy Myer Myles Newman Nunzio Oakley Odie Olaf Olan Oswald Parker Pershing Pierce Pierre Price Quinton Rafael Raleigh Reese Reid Reno Rexford Roderick Rodolfo Roger Romeo Rowland Rudy Rufus Santiago Silas Sterling Sumner Sylvan Talmadge Thad Theron Thornton Thurston Toivo Troy Urban Valentine Vivian Washington Waymon Wellington Welton Weston Whitney Woodrow Wylie Yoshio Zigmund
The Bradshaw Family
The Harper Family
The Salazar Family
The Finch Family
The Sullivan Family
Adelle Afton Aida Aline Amalia Annamae Annabel Ara Ardella Ardith Astrid Audra Augustine Aurelia Avis Bethel Bette Birdie Blanche Bonita Carmel Carmella Celestine Charity Claribel Clarissa Clementine Cleo Cordelia Daphne Delilah Delphia Dessie Dixie Domenica Dovie Easter Eldora Elmira Eloisa Elvie Enid Esperanza Estella Etta Evangeline Eveline Exie Fae Ferne Filomena Florida Francisca Garnet Germaine Greta Gussie Gwen Hazel Hedwig Hermina Imelda Imogene Ines Iona Irene Ivory Jettie Judith Justine Larue Lavada Laverne Leonor Leora Lera Letitia Lorna Louvenia Lovie Loyce Lupe Lura Lurline Lyla Macie Mafalda Magnolia Maxie Melba Minna Mozelle Myra Nadine Nedra Nella Neoma Novella Octavia Odessa Olive Ophelia Ouida Ozella Pansy Pearle Petra Pinkie Queenie Ramona Reba Rhea Roma Romaine Rosaline Rosalyn Rosemarie Rosina Rowena Rozella Ruby Sabina Santina Selma Signe Stasia Sudie Sybil Theda Theo Theola Thora Twila Vada Vera Verlie Verona Versie Vesta Vina Violette Viva Vlasta Willa Winona Zella Zelma Zenobia Zita Zona
Abel Amos Angus Ansel Archibald Armond Arno Ashley Attilio Aubrey Barton Baxter Benito Blair Boyce Brady Brooks Bruno Buck Buddy Burl Burley Burnell Byron Caesar Carey Carlyle Cedric Chas Chauncey Columbus Cornell Crawford Damon Dante Dayton Denver Denzil DeWitt Domenick Donovan Dorsey Duncan Durwood Dwight Edison Eldridge Elwyn Emmet Erling Ezekiel Felix Felton Finis Finley Fletcher Florian Franklyn Fritz Gaetano Gaston General Giles Green Hamilton Hampton Hardy Hayes Hector Hezekiah Hudson Ignacio Jefferson Jennings Jules Kendall Kirby Lafayette Lambert Lawson Leander Lemuel Leopold Lincoln Linus Llewellyn Logan Lonzo Loyal Mack Mahlon Marcellus Masao McKinley Milan Mortimer Murphy Myer Myles Newman Nunzio Oakley Odie Olaf Olan Oswald Parker Pershing Pierce Pierre Price Quinton Rafael Raleigh Reese Reid Reno Rexford Roderick Rodolfo Roger Romeo Rowland Rudy Rufus Santiago Silas Sterling Sumner Sylvan Talmadge Thad Theron Thornton Thurston Toivo Troy Urban Valentine Vivian Washington Waymon Wellington Welton Weston Whitney Woodrow Wylie Yoshio Zigmund
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Roderick Washington
DW: Amalia Clementine
DS: Archibald Parker
DS/DD: Angus Dayton / Myra Romaine
Rick, Amy, Archie, Gus & Myra.
The Harper Family
DH: Damon Lambert
DW: Theola Nadine
DD: Rosaline Garnet
DD: Hazel Adelle
DD: Annabel Leonor
DD: Eloisa Gwen
DD: Evangeline Greta
Damon, Theo, Rosie, Hazel, Anna, Eloisa & Evie.
The Salazar Family
DH: Oswald Theron
DW: Sabina Octavia
DS: Ashley Rufus
DD/DD: Francisca Judith / Lorna Justine
DD: Letitia Avis
DS: Domenick Sterling
DS: Leopold Cedric
Os, Sabina, Ash, Francis, Lorna, Letti, Nicky & Leo.
DH: Roderick Washington
DW: Amalia Clementine
DS: Archibald Parker
DS/DD: Angus Dayton / Myra Romaine
Rick, Amy, Archie, Gus & Myra.
The Harper Family
DH: Damon Lambert
DW: Theola Nadine
DD: Rosaline Garnet
DD: Hazel Adelle
DD: Annabel Leonor
DD: Eloisa Gwen
DD: Evangeline Greta
Damon, Theo, Rosie, Hazel, Anna, Eloisa & Evie.
The Salazar Family
DH: Oswald Theron
DW: Sabina Octavia
DS: Ashley Rufus
DD/DD: Francisca Judith / Lorna Justine
DD: Letitia Avis
DS: Domenick Sterling
DS: Leopold Cedric
Os, Sabina, Ash, Francis, Lorna, Letti, Nicky & Leo.
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Roderick Dayton *Rick*
DW: Delilah Augustine *Lilah*
DS: Price Lincoln
DS/DD: Logan Wylie / Annamae Rozella *Anna*
The Harper Family
DH: Cornell Byron
DW: Esperanza Daphne
DD: Amalia Ines *Mia*
DD: Selma Pearle
DD: Ruby Celestine
DD: Rosemarie Aida *Rose*
DD: Estella Garnet *Stella*
The Salazar Family
DH: Santiago Hayes
DW: Rosalyn Leticia *Rose*
DS: Troy Hamilton
DD/DD: Ophelia Claribel / Aurelia Charity
DD: Eveline Carmel
DS: Damon Sterling
DS: Domenick Leander *Nick*
The Finch Family
DH: Weston Leopold *West*
DW: Macie Verona
DD: Rosaline Audra *Rose*
DS: Parker Emmet
DD: Evangeline Roma *Eva*
DS: Pierce Denver
The Sullivan Family
DH: Myles Brady
DW: Annabel Justine
DD: Violette Sabina
DS: Quinton Reid *Quint*

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
DH: Roderick Dayton *Rick*
DW: Delilah Augustine *Lilah*
DS: Price Lincoln
DS/DD: Logan Wylie / Annamae Rozella *Anna*
The Harper Family
DH: Cornell Byron
DW: Esperanza Daphne
DD: Amalia Ines *Mia*
DD: Selma Pearle
DD: Ruby Celestine
DD: Rosemarie Aida *Rose*
DD: Estella Garnet *Stella*
The Salazar Family
DH: Santiago Hayes
DW: Rosalyn Leticia *Rose*
DS: Troy Hamilton
DD/DD: Ophelia Claribel / Aurelia Charity
DD: Eveline Carmel
DS: Damon Sterling
DS: Domenick Leander *Nick*
The Finch Family
DH: Weston Leopold *West*
DW: Macie Verona
DD: Rosaline Audra *Rose*
DS: Parker Emmet
DD: Evangeline Roma *Eva*
DS: Pierce Denver
The Sullivan Family
DH: Myles Brady
DW: Annabel Justine
DD: Violette Sabina
DS: Quinton Reid *Quint*
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Silas Emmet
DW: Gwen Roma
DS: Felix Hudson
DS/DD: Donovan Pierce / Imelda Macie
The Harper Family
DH: Rufus Franklyn
DW: Lyla Adelle
DD: Annabel Myra
DD: Daphne Clarissa
DD: Hazel Annamae
DD: Charity Eloisa
DD: Astrid Cordelia
The Salazar Family
DH: Romeo Lincoln
DW: Rosalyn Zelma
DS: Leopold Oakley
DD/DD: Ruby Celestine / Francisca Carmella
DD: Estella Sabina
DS: Rafael Amos
DS: Bruno Rexford
The Finch Family
DH: Myles Abel
DW: Amalia Rosemarie
DD: Winona Pansy
DS: Logan Baxter
DD: Cleo Thora
DS: Ezekiel Brady
The Sullivan Family
DH: Reid Fletcher
DW: Petra Fae
DD: Justine Rhea
DS: Finley Angus
DH: Silas Emmet
DW: Gwen Roma
DS: Felix Hudson
DS/DD: Donovan Pierce / Imelda Macie
The Harper Family
DH: Rufus Franklyn
DW: Lyla Adelle
DD: Annabel Myra
DD: Daphne Clarissa
DD: Hazel Annamae
DD: Charity Eloisa
DD: Astrid Cordelia
The Salazar Family
DH: Romeo Lincoln
DW: Rosalyn Zelma
DS: Leopold Oakley
DD/DD: Ruby Celestine / Francisca Carmella
DD: Estella Sabina
DS: Rafael Amos
DS: Bruno Rexford
The Finch Family
DH: Myles Abel
DW: Amalia Rosemarie
DD: Winona Pansy
DS: Logan Baxter
DD: Cleo Thora
DS: Ezekiel Brady
The Sullivan Family
DH: Reid Fletcher
DW: Petra Fae
DD: Justine Rhea
DS: Finley Angus
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Fritz Archibald
DW: Judith Annamae
DS: Emmet Quinton
DS/DD: Hector Felix /Claribel Iona
The Harper Family
DH: Aubrey Leander
DW: Pearle Minna
DD: Annabel Dixie
DD: Imogene Jettie
DD: Violette Sudie
DD: Francisca Bette
DD: Nadine Elvie
The Salazar Family
DH: Giles Kendall
DW: Blanche Amalia
DS: Mortimer Woodrow
DD/DD: Astrid Lyla / Daphne Sybil
DD: Hermina Winona
DS: Cedric Donovan
DS: Leopold Franklyn
The Finch Family
DH: Santiago Toivo
DW: Roma Mozelle
DD: Rosaline Verona
DS: Ignacio Rafael
DD: Carmella Bonita
DS: Dante Nunzio
The Sullivan Family
DH: Carlyle Hamilton
DW: Myra Magnolia
DD: Pansy Novella
DS: Boyce DeWitt

DH: Fritz Archibald
DW: Judith Annamae
DS: Emmet Quinton
DS/DD: Hector Felix /Claribel Iona
The Harper Family
DH: Aubrey Leander
DW: Pearle Minna
DD: Annabel Dixie
DD: Imogene Jettie
DD: Violette Sudie
DD: Francisca Bette
DD: Nadine Elvie
The Salazar Family
DH: Giles Kendall
DW: Blanche Amalia
DS: Mortimer Woodrow
DD/DD: Astrid Lyla / Daphne Sybil
DD: Hermina Winona
DS: Cedric Donovan
DS: Leopold Franklyn
The Finch Family
DH: Santiago Toivo
DW: Roma Mozelle
DD: Rosaline Verona
DS: Ignacio Rafael
DD: Carmella Bonita
DS: Dante Nunzio
The Sullivan Family
DH: Carlyle Hamilton
DW: Myra Magnolia
DD: Pansy Novella
DS: Boyce DeWitt

The Bradshaw Family
DH: Damon Nunzio
DW: Thora Lupe
DS: Fletcher Logan
DS/DD: Kendall Chauncey / Winona Justine
Damon and Thora Bradshaw have Fletcher, Kendall and Winona
The Harper Family
DH: Kirby Wellington
DW: Stasia Clementine
DD: Petra Astrid
DD: Nadine Elmira
DD: Verona Violette
DD: Celestine Zenobia
DD: Willa Germaine
Kirby and Stasia Harper have Petra, Nadine, Verona, Celestine and Willa
The Salazar Family
DH: Hampton Durwood
DW: Letitia Queenie
DS: Rodolfo Carlyle
DD/DD: Mafalda Daphne / Laverne Reba
DD: Hermina Elvie
DS: Archibald DeWitt
DS: Silas Thad
Hampton and Letitia Salazar have Rodolfo, Mafalda, Laverne, Hermina, Archibald and Silas
DH: Damon Nunzio
DW: Thora Lupe
DS: Fletcher Logan
DS/DD: Kendall Chauncey / Winona Justine
Damon and Thora Bradshaw have Fletcher, Kendall and Winona
The Harper Family
DH: Kirby Wellington
DW: Stasia Clementine
DD: Petra Astrid
DD: Nadine Elmira
DD: Verona Violette
DD: Celestine Zenobia
DD: Willa Germaine
Kirby and Stasia Harper have Petra, Nadine, Verona, Celestine and Willa
The Salazar Family
DH: Hampton Durwood
DW: Letitia Queenie
DS: Rodolfo Carlyle
DD/DD: Mafalda Daphne / Laverne Reba
DD: Hermina Elvie
DS: Archibald DeWitt
DS: Silas Thad
Hampton and Letitia Salazar have Rodolfo, Mafalda, Laverne, Hermina, Archibald and Silas
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Raleigh Reese
DW: Judith Winona
DS: Denzil Vivian
DS/DD: Aubrey Rowland / Petra Irene
The Harper Family
DH: Ashley Blair
DW: Rowena Germaine
DD: Annabel Clarissa
DD: Blanche Iona
DD: Cordelia Hazel
DD: Daphne Magnolia
DD: Evangeline Afton
The Salazar Family
DH: Romeo Santiago
DW: Leonor Mafalda
DS: Rafael Bruno
DD/DD: Aurelia Francisca / Ramona Octavia
DD: Sabina Esperanza
DS: Felix Dante
DS: Hector Ignacio
The Finch Family
DH: Damon Leander
DW: Imogene Delilah
DD: Ophelia Clementine
DS: Duncan Valentine
DD: Rosaline Verona
DS: Troy Florian
The Sullivan Family
DH: Pierce Logan
DW: Vera Ruby
DD: Justine Rhea
DS: Finley Donovan
DH: Raleigh Reese
DW: Judith Winona
DS: Denzil Vivian
DS/DD: Aubrey Rowland / Petra Irene
The Harper Family
DH: Ashley Blair
DW: Rowena Germaine
DD: Annabel Clarissa
DD: Blanche Iona
DD: Cordelia Hazel
DD: Daphne Magnolia
DD: Evangeline Afton
The Salazar Family
DH: Romeo Santiago
DW: Leonor Mafalda
DS: Rafael Bruno
DD/DD: Aurelia Francisca / Ramona Octavia
DD: Sabina Esperanza
DS: Felix Dante
DS: Hector Ignacio
The Finch Family
DH: Damon Leander
DW: Imogene Delilah
DD: Ophelia Clementine
DS: Duncan Valentine
DD: Rosaline Verona
DS: Troy Florian
The Sullivan Family
DH: Pierce Logan
DW: Vera Ruby
DD: Justine Rhea
DS: Finley Donovan
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Weston Reese
DW: Stasia Clementine
DS: Dwight Edison
DS/DD: Vera Daphne
The Harper Family
DH: Felix Jefferson
DW: Lorna Olive
DD: Eveline Magnolia
DD: Astrid Violette
DD: Estella Ferne
DD: Imogene Hazel
DD: Cordelia Rosaline
The Salazar Family
DH: Rafael Gaetano
DW: Zita Carmella
DS: Benito Santiago
DD/DD: Francisca Vina / Rosina Esperanza
DD: Ramona Eloisa
DS: Hector Ignacio
DS: Rodolfo Lemuel
The Finch Family
DH: Damon Marcellus
DW: Clarissa Pearle
DD: Aida Celestine
DS: Donovan Silas
DD: Rowena Adelle
DS: Duncan Linus
The Sullivan Family
DH: Pierce Angus
DW: Judith Aurelia
DD: Odessa Aline
DS: Sterling Ezekiel
DH: Weston Reese
DW: Stasia Clementine
DS: Dwight Edison
DS/DD: Vera Daphne
The Harper Family
DH: Felix Jefferson
DW: Lorna Olive
DD: Eveline Magnolia
DD: Astrid Violette
DD: Estella Ferne
DD: Imogene Hazel
DD: Cordelia Rosaline
The Salazar Family
DH: Rafael Gaetano
DW: Zita Carmella
DS: Benito Santiago
DD/DD: Francisca Vina / Rosina Esperanza
DD: Ramona Eloisa
DS: Hector Ignacio
DS: Rodolfo Lemuel
The Finch Family
DH: Damon Marcellus
DW: Clarissa Pearle
DD: Aida Celestine
DS: Donovan Silas
DD: Rowena Adelle
DS: Duncan Linus
The Sullivan Family
DH: Pierce Angus
DW: Judith Aurelia
DD: Odessa Aline
DS: Sterling Ezekiel
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Domenick Romeo
DW: Ophelia Annabel
DS: Emmet Roderick
DS/DD: Leopold Theron / Ruby Magnolia
The Harper Family
DH: Attilio Troy
DW: Aurelia Blanche
DD: Stasia Judith
DD: Violette Clarissa
DD: Rosaline Avis
DD: Octavia Esperanza
DD: Odessa Delphia
The Salazar Family
DH: Finley Rodolfo
DW: Rosemarie Evangeline
DS: Leander Franklyn
DD/DD: Estella Daphne / Delilah Eloisa
DD: Imogene Rosina
DS: Lincoln Ignacio
DS: Dayton Eldridge
The Finch Family
DH: Pierce Sterling
DW: Imelda Larue
DD: Pearle Ardith
DS: Archibald Myles
DD: Ardella Ivory
DS: Angus Dante
The Sullivan Family
DH: Brady Hamilton
DW: Bethel Augustine
DD: Amalia Clementine
DS: Brooks Edison
DH: Domenick Romeo
DW: Ophelia Annabel
DS: Emmet Roderick
DS/DD: Leopold Theron / Ruby Magnolia
The Harper Family
DH: Attilio Troy
DW: Aurelia Blanche
DD: Stasia Judith
DD: Violette Clarissa
DD: Rosaline Avis
DD: Octavia Esperanza
DD: Odessa Delphia
The Salazar Family
DH: Finley Rodolfo
DW: Rosemarie Evangeline
DS: Leander Franklyn
DD/DD: Estella Daphne / Delilah Eloisa
DD: Imogene Rosina
DS: Lincoln Ignacio
DS: Dayton Eldridge
The Finch Family
DH: Pierce Sterling
DW: Imelda Larue
DD: Pearle Ardith
DS: Archibald Myles
DD: Ardella Ivory
DS: Angus Dante
The Sullivan Family
DH: Brady Hamilton
DW: Bethel Augustine
DD: Amalia Clementine
DS: Brooks Edison
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Abel Cedric Bradshaw
DW: Irene Magnolia Bradshaw
DS: Myles Finley Bradshaw
DS/DD: Leopold Blair Bradshaw "Leo" / Annabel Sabina Bradshaw
The Harper Family
DH: Mack Roger Harper
DW: Rowena Leonor Harper
DD: Amalia Rosemarie Harper
DD: Adelle Clarissa Harper
DD: Judith Eveline Harper
DD: Petra Ophelia Harper
DD: Evangeline Minna Harper
The Salazar Family
DH: Brooks Dante Salazar
DW: Claribel Francisca Salazar "Clara"
DS: Leander Romeo Salazar "Leo"
DD/DD: Willa Aline Salazar / Audra Eloisa Salazar
DD: Carmella Iona Salazar
DS: Carey Angus Salazar
DS: Ashley Jules Salazar "Ash"
DH: Abel Cedric Bradshaw
DW: Irene Magnolia Bradshaw
DS: Myles Finley Bradshaw
DS/DD: Leopold Blair Bradshaw "Leo" / Annabel Sabina Bradshaw
The Harper Family
DH: Mack Roger Harper
DW: Rowena Leonor Harper
DD: Amalia Rosemarie Harper
DD: Adelle Clarissa Harper
DD: Judith Eveline Harper
DD: Petra Ophelia Harper
DD: Evangeline Minna Harper
The Salazar Family
DH: Brooks Dante Salazar
DW: Claribel Francisca Salazar "Clara"
DS: Leander Romeo Salazar "Leo"
DD/DD: Willa Aline Salazar / Audra Eloisa Salazar
DD: Carmella Iona Salazar
DS: Carey Angus Salazar
DS: Ashley Jules Salazar "Ash"
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Dayton Finley
DW: Justine Larue
DS: Rufus Lincoln
DS/DD: / Avis Winona
The Harper Family
DH: Dante Nunzio
DW: Zita Nadine
DD: Zenobia Ines
DD: Domenica Santina
DD: Roma Daphne
DD: Mafalda Ruby
DD: Amalia Verona
The Salazar Family
DH: Bruno Ignacio
DW: Leonor Filomena
DS: Hector Felix
DD/DD: Ramona Eloisa / Sabina Esperanza
DD: Francisca Magnolia
DS: Rafael Benito
DS: Attilio Santiago
The Finch Family
DH: Mack Oswald
DW: Lyla Olive
DD: Easter Odessa
DS: Rexford Oakley
DD: Ivory Ouida
DS: Columbus Olaf
The Sullivan Family
DH: Silas Rowland
DW: Irene Clarissa
DD: Astrid Bethel
DS: Leander Vivian
DH: Dayton Finley
DW: Justine Larue
DS: Rufus Lincoln
DS/DD: / Avis Winona
The Harper Family
DH: Dante Nunzio
DW: Zita Nadine
DD: Zenobia Ines
DD: Domenica Santina
DD: Roma Daphne
DD: Mafalda Ruby
DD: Amalia Verona
The Salazar Family
DH: Bruno Ignacio
DW: Leonor Filomena
DS: Hector Felix
DD/DD: Ramona Eloisa / Sabina Esperanza
DD: Francisca Magnolia
DS: Rafael Benito
DS: Attilio Santiago
The Finch Family
DH: Mack Oswald
DW: Lyla Olive
DD: Easter Odessa
DS: Rexford Oakley
DD: Ivory Ouida
DS: Columbus Olaf
The Sullivan Family
DH: Silas Rowland
DW: Irene Clarissa
DD: Astrid Bethel
DS: Leander Vivian
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Rafael Cornell
DW: Clarissa Lovie
DS: Logan Dwight
DS/DD: Myles Lambert / Nadine Lera
The Harper Family
DH: Cedric Duncan
DW: Adelle Petra
DD: Annabel Vesta "Belle"
DD: Domenica Lupe "Nica"
DD: Rosemarie Ruby "Rose"
DD: Imogene Myra "Myra"
DD: Violette Lorna "Vy"
The Salazar Family
DH: Damon Reno
DW: Estella Loyce
DS: Marcellus Giles "Marc"
DD/DD: Evangeline Ivory "Evie" / Esperanza Imelda "Anne"
DD: Elmira Ines "Mira"
DS: Ezekiel Lemuel "Zeke"
DS: Roderick Felix "Rick"
The Finch Family
DH: Weston Erling "West"
DW: Easter Vada "East"
DD: Sabrina Letitia "Rina"
DS: Reese Yoshio
DH: Rafael Cornell
DW: Clarissa Lovie
DS: Logan Dwight
DS/DD: Myles Lambert / Nadine Lera
The Harper Family
DH: Cedric Duncan
DW: Adelle Petra
DD: Annabel Vesta "Belle"
DD: Domenica Lupe "Nica"
DD: Rosemarie Ruby "Rose"
DD: Imogene Myra "Myra"
DD: Violette Lorna "Vy"
The Salazar Family
DH: Damon Reno
DW: Estella Loyce
DS: Marcellus Giles "Marc"
DD/DD: Evangeline Ivory "Evie" / Esperanza Imelda "Anne"
DD: Elmira Ines "Mira"
DS: Ezekiel Lemuel "Zeke"
DS: Roderick Felix "Rick"
The Finch Family
DH: Weston Erling "West"
DW: Easter Vada "East"
DD: Sabrina Letitia "Rina"
DS: Reese Yoshio
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Ansel Roderick Sylvan
DW: Ramona Sybil
DS: Jules Fritz
DS/DD: Archibald Milan / Judith Clementine
The Harper Family
DH: Damon Leopold
DW: Francisca Pinkie Ophelia
DD: Zenobia Dixie Magnolia
DD: Octavia Jettie Carmella
DD: Evangeline Dovie Violette
DD: Filomena Verlie Romaine
DD: Delphia Sudie Novella
The Salazar Family
DH: Hardy Wellington
DW: Elvie Zita
DS: Burley Pershing
DD/DD: Birdie Etta / Lovie Ferne
DD: Exie Fae
DS: Rudy Washington
DS: Buddy Lafayette
The Finch Family
DH: Leander Myles
DW: Ruby Odessa
DD: Selma Rosemarie
DS: Linus Cornell
DD: Leonor Domenica
DS: Felix Santiago
The Sullivan Family
DH: Rufus Marcellus
DW: Willa Celestine
DD: Hazel Esperanza
DS: Arno Duncan
DH: Ansel Roderick Sylvan
DW: Ramona Sybil
DS: Jules Fritz
DS/DD: Archibald Milan / Judith Clementine
The Harper Family
DH: Damon Leopold
DW: Francisca Pinkie Ophelia
DD: Zenobia Dixie Magnolia
DD: Octavia Jettie Carmella
DD: Evangeline Dovie Violette
DD: Filomena Verlie Romaine
DD: Delphia Sudie Novella
The Salazar Family
DH: Hardy Wellington
DW: Elvie Zita
DS: Burley Pershing
DD/DD: Birdie Etta / Lovie Ferne
DD: Exie Fae
DS: Rudy Washington
DS: Buddy Lafayette
The Finch Family
DH: Leander Myles
DW: Ruby Odessa
DD: Selma Rosemarie
DS: Linus Cornell
DD: Leonor Domenica
DS: Felix Santiago
The Sullivan Family
DH: Rufus Marcellus
DW: Willa Celestine
DD: Hazel Esperanza
DS: Arno Duncan
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Finley Pierre
DW: Charity Adelle
DS: Dante Ezekial
DS/DD: Logan Reid
The Harper Family
DH: Domenick Caesar
DW: Evangeline Fearne
DD: Larue Mafalda
DD: Leora Carmel
DD: Lovie Amalia
DD: Lera Nadine
DD: Letitia Gwen
The Salazar Family
DH: Murphy Dayton
DW: Rosalyn Stasia
DS: Blair Valentine
DD/DD: Imogene Violette / Ines Viva
DD: Imelda Zenobia
DS: Burley Thad
DS: Barton Kendall
The Finch Family
DH: Milan Leander
DW: Ruby Eveline
DD: Lyla Macie
DS: Brady Myles
DD: Leonor Myra
DS: Romeo Edison
The Sullivan Family
DH: Reese McKinley
DW: Rhea Fae
DD: Annabel Clarissa
DS: Aubrey Weston
DH: Finley Pierre
DW: Charity Adelle
DS: Dante Ezekial
DS/DD: Logan Reid
The Harper Family
DH: Domenick Caesar
DW: Evangeline Fearne
DD: Larue Mafalda
DD: Leora Carmel
DD: Lovie Amalia
DD: Lera Nadine
DD: Letitia Gwen
The Salazar Family
DH: Murphy Dayton
DW: Rosalyn Stasia
DS: Blair Valentine
DD/DD: Imogene Violette / Ines Viva
DD: Imelda Zenobia
DS: Burley Thad
DS: Barton Kendall
The Finch Family
DH: Milan Leander
DW: Ruby Eveline
DD: Lyla Macie
DS: Brady Myles
DD: Leonor Myra
DS: Romeo Edison
The Sullivan Family
DH: Reese McKinley
DW: Rhea Fae
DD: Annabel Clarissa
DS: Aubrey Weston
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Hudson Denzer
DW: Winona Somencia
DS: Ashley Myles
DS/DD: Parker Oakley / Ophelia Nadine
The Harper Family
DH: Reid Weston
DW: Verona Charity
DD: Maxie Neoma "Max"
DD: Irene Violette
DD: Leonor Petra
DD: Eveline Ramona "Evie"
DD: Francisca Gwen
The Salazar Family
DH: Whitney Duncan
DW: Octavia Audra
DS: Damon Finley
DD/DD: Eloisa Ara "Lou" / Evangeline Aline "Angel"
DD: Lera Aurelia
DS: Ezekiel Aubrey "Zeke"
DS: Jules Fletcher
The Finch Family
DH: Price Caesar
DW: Magnolia Ivory "Maggie"
DD: Cordelia Sabina "Cordy"
DS: Giles Kendall
DD: Amalia Stasia
DS: Reese Emmet
The Sullivan Family
DH: Troy Dante
DW: Louvenia Bathel "Louie"
DD: Clarissa Garnet
DS: Logan McKinley
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DH: Hudson Denzer
DW: Winona Somencia
DS: Ashley Myles
DS/DD: Parker Oakley / Ophelia Nadine
The Harper Family
DH: Reid Weston
DW: Verona Charity
DD: Maxie Neoma "Max"
DD: Irene Violette
DD: Leonor Petra
DD: Eveline Ramona "Evie"
DD: Francisca Gwen
The Salazar Family
DH: Whitney Duncan
DW: Octavia Audra
DS: Damon Finley
DD/DD: Eloisa Ara "Lou" / Evangeline Aline "Angel"
DD: Lera Aurelia
DS: Ezekiel Aubrey "Zeke"
DS: Jules Fletcher
The Finch Family
DH: Price Caesar
DW: Magnolia Ivory "Maggie"
DD: Cordelia Sabina "Cordy"
DS: Giles Kendall
DD: Amalia Stasia
DS: Reese Emmet
The Sullivan Family
DH: Troy Dante
DW: Louvenia Bathel "Louie"
DD: Clarissa Garnet
DS: Logan McKinley
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Reid Duncan
DW: Imogene Petra
DS: Brady Felix
DS/DD: Weston Amos / Willa Daphne
The Harper Family
DH: Silas Mack
DW: Etta Adelle
DD: Estella Bette
DD: Evangeline Delilah
DD: Enid Octavia
DD: Eloisa Lyla
DD: Esperanza Aurelia
The Salazar Family
DH: Ezekiel Donovan
DW: Odessa Ruby
DS: Hudson Pierce
DD/DD: Greta Violette / Gwen Magnolia
DD: Annabel Cordelia
DS: Brooks Parker
DS: Reese Quinton
The Finch Family
DH: Blair Barton
DW: Roma Blanche
DD: Macie Claribel
DS: Chauncey Abel
DD: Clarissa Hazel
DS: Myles Damon
The Sullivan Family
DH: Byron Rudy
DH: Reid Duncan
DW: Imogene Petra
DS: Brady Felix
DS/DD: Weston Amos / Willa Daphne
The Harper Family
DH: Silas Mack
DW: Etta Adelle
DD: Estella Bette
DD: Evangeline Delilah
DD: Enid Octavia
DD: Eloisa Lyla
DD: Esperanza Aurelia
The Salazar Family
DH: Ezekiel Donovan
DW: Odessa Ruby
DS: Hudson Pierce
DD/DD: Greta Violette / Gwen Magnolia
DD: Annabel Cordelia
DS: Brooks Parker
DS: Reese Quinton
The Finch Family
DH: Blair Barton
DW: Roma Blanche
DD: Macie Claribel
DS: Chauncey Abel
DD: Clarissa Hazel
DS: Myles Damon
The Sullivan Family
DH: Byron Rudy
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Aubrey Myles
DW: Winona Adelle
DS: Amos Leander
DS/DD: Oakley Sumner / Lorna Nadine
The Harper Family
DH: Blair Durwood
DW: Daphne Melba
DD: Petra Leonor
DD: Ramona Clementine
DD: Hazel Irene
DD: Amalia Ruby
DD: Lura Astrid
The Salazar Family
DH: Fritz Armond
DW: Leora Eloisa
DS: Kirby Roderick
DD/DD: Clarissa Ferne / Rosaline Verona
DD: Exie Fae
DS: Quinton Raleigh
DS: Fletcher Crawford
The Finch Family
DH: Rowland Leopold
DW: Olive Bethel
DD: Delilah Blanche
DS: Oswald Logan
DD: Violette Augustine
DS: Franklyn Hezekiah
The Sullivan Family
DH: Ashley Brady
DW: Macie Zelma
DD: Magnolia Judith
DS: Rudy Pierre
DH: Aubrey Myles
DW: Winona Adelle
DS: Amos Leander
DS/DD: Oakley Sumner / Lorna Nadine
The Harper Family
DH: Blair Durwood
DW: Daphne Melba
DD: Petra Leonor
DD: Ramona Clementine
DD: Hazel Irene
DD: Amalia Ruby
DD: Lura Astrid
The Salazar Family
DH: Fritz Armond
DW: Leora Eloisa
DS: Kirby Roderick
DD/DD: Clarissa Ferne / Rosaline Verona
DD: Exie Fae
DS: Quinton Raleigh
DS: Fletcher Crawford
The Finch Family
DH: Rowland Leopold
DW: Olive Bethel
DD: Delilah Blanche
DS: Oswald Logan
DD: Violette Augustine
DS: Franklyn Hezekiah
The Sullivan Family
DH: Ashley Brady
DW: Macie Zelma
DD: Magnolia Judith
DS: Rudy Pierre
The Bradshaw Family
DH: Dwight Silas
DW: Rosaline Charity
DS: Linus Chauncey
DS/DD: Ashley Edisn / Imogene Pearle
The Harper Family
DH: Angus Byron
DW: Nadine Estella
DD: Evangeline Delilah
DD: Blanche Eldora
DD: Willa Daphne
DD: Letitia Ines
DD: Rosemarie Bette
The Salazar Family
DH: Hudson Whitney
DW: Esperanza Adelle
DS: Finley Brooks
DD/DD: Annamae Santina / Domenica Loyce
DD: Irene Leora
DS: Benito Durwood
DS: Dante Lambert
The Finch Family
DH: Aubrey Hamilton
DW: Claribel Gwen
DD: Justine Ardith
DS: Ezekeil Reese
DD: Thora Sybil
DS: Amos Hector
The Sullivan Family
DH: Leander Armond
DW: Rhea Dixie
DD: Novella Laverne
DS: Felix Lincoln

"And I believe, that angels breathe, and hat love will live on and never leave" -Josh Groban
DH: Dwight Silas
DW: Rosaline Charity
DS: Linus Chauncey
DS/DD: Ashley Edisn / Imogene Pearle
The Harper Family
DH: Angus Byron
DW: Nadine Estella
DD: Evangeline Delilah
DD: Blanche Eldora
DD: Willa Daphne
DD: Letitia Ines
DD: Rosemarie Bette
The Salazar Family
DH: Hudson Whitney
DW: Esperanza Adelle
DS: Finley Brooks
DD/DD: Annamae Santina / Domenica Loyce
DD: Irene Leora
DS: Benito Durwood
DS: Dante Lambert
The Finch Family
DH: Aubrey Hamilton
DW: Claribel Gwen
DD: Justine Ardith
DS: Ezekeil Reese
DD: Thora Sybil
DS: Amos Hector
The Sullivan Family
DH: Leander Armond
DW: Rhea Dixie
DD: Novella Laverne
DS: Felix Lincoln

"And I believe, that angels breathe, and hat love will live on and never leave" -Josh Groban
The Bradshaw Family
DH:Abel Marcellus
DW:Amalia Irene
DS: Lemuel Hezekiah
DS/DD:Ezekiel Damon & Delilah Rosaline
The Harper Family
DH: Roger Oswald
DW: Judith Adelle
DD: Clementine Pearle
DD: Ruby Annabel
DD: Bethel Carmella
DD: Evangeline Ozella
DD: Magnolia Rosalyn
The Salazar Family
DH:Amos Roderick
DW:Rosina Ardith
DS: Donovan Florian
DD/DD: Odessa Violette & Sabina Eveline
DD: Thora Avis
DS: Troy Cornell
DS: Emmet Thornton
The Finch Family
DH:Myles Archibald
DW:Esperanza Ines
DD:Elmira Celestine
DS:Cedric Santiago
DD: Domenica Astrid
DS: Caesar Leopold
The Sullivan Family
DH:Finley Weston
DW: Myra Blanche
DD: Ophelia Nadine
DS: Llewellyn Ignacio