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Historic references indicate the surname CAVERLY was derived from the old English surname CALVERLEY. This is briefly mentioned in some of George Redmond’s books and was carried on as a definition by others throughout history. In the 21st century we now have the new tool of DNA to possibly help with surname studies. The approaches in the past of explaining the possible origins of a surname may now be expanded with the use of DNA. In some cases, this will result in additional definitions and questions about the origin of a surname.
Old English spelling is a field in its self and can lead us astray if one can learn more about the mythology. I have found the surname CAVERLY (CAVERLEY) may have numerous origins and DNA has been showing no genetic connection to the surname CALVERLEY. This is not to say the surname CAVERLY could not have had its origin in the CALVERLY surname but only an indication there are more possible origins.
My CAVERLY surname study has found a great deal of history regarding the surname:
- CAVERLY surname is more prominent today in the USA then in the British Iles.
- CAVERLY surname does have popularity in Ireland. Of the few CAVERLY surname holders in England they all indicate their heritage as Ireland.
- Variants can be numerous but I focus on CAVERLY, CAVERLEY, CALVERLEY, CAVERLIER, CAVERLIE, CAVALIER, CALVERLIE, CABERLY to name a few.
- My earliest finds in North America find the surname CAVERLY in the time period 1650-1700 in two locations, Long Island New York and Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
- DNA now shows at least three CAVERLY trees that do not appear to be genetically related. Irish CAVERLY, New Hampshire CAVERLY and New York CAVERLY.
- The spelling CAVERLY (CAVERLEY) appears to have been carried down from the earliest USA census records of 1790.
- There are indicates of the New York CAVERLY name spelled as a variant of CAVALIER when Long Island New York was under Dutch control.
- Limited DNA comparison between the surname CAVERLY and CAVALIER has nor revealed any genetic links but the number of CAVALIER surnames tests is very small in 2016.
- It appears ninety percent or more of those with the CAVERLY surname in Canada originated from the New York Caverly tree.
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