[Facts] Rumer?
Does anyone know the origin and meaning of the name Rumer?Does the sea exist
Because of our longing?
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Rumer could be a theoretical modern form of an Old English Rumhere, but I've never seen either, so this is probably just coincidence. I just constructed Rumhere from the common element -here (Aelfhere, Wulfhere etc.), and the less common (in England at least) Rum- (see Rumbald etc.). Many obscure names like this survive in surnames, and then occasionally pop back into the list of personal names from being a surname.
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Bruce Willis' daughter was named after the British author Rumer Godden:
I assume in her case it was a family name, although can't confirm.
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Yes, in the book "What to Name Your Baby" (Nurnberg and Rosenblum, 1951), Rumer Godden is quoted as follows: Rumer is a family name and I don't think any baby should be saddled with it. You have to answer questions about it all the time.
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All I can say that modern use in the USA is probably transferred from the surname. The surname Rumer comes from Germany, but I have no additional explanations ready.--elbowin
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