[Opinions] Triplet girls?
I was talking with my DH about what he would name triplet girls. Lol! Well after he told me, I realized we really had different naming styles. Which is fine. But still my questions to everyone here is what would you name triplet girls if it was all up to you? With no one elses say so involved.I will post mine later.I think this will be interesting. :)
Have fun. And Thank you.TammyKaleb Joshua WyattLilith Morgana JuneJoah Paul BenjaminSariah Jade Alice 01-16-15
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I'm not sure, with a slight tweak to my usual choices:Pandora Valencia Fae, Demelza Georgiana Clio, & Olympia Anna Rosalind
Pandora, Demelza, & Olympia
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Wow, just me? That's almost too much to hope for since dh and I don't agree on much, lol.Today, I'd go with:Marina Juliet
Susanna Joy
Leonie Madeleine
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Im really liking Leonie Madeleine
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I like Kira.
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Alba Liadan
Ione Chrysanth
Wylda Violet
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I quite like Chrysanth though much prefer Chrysanthe.
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Vera is lovely
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I like Lily Simone.
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With no one else's input, mine would be:Evelyn Patricia
Mary Romaine
Alberta Elizabeth
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Diana Jessica
Julia Noor
Susanna Irene
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Eleonora, Beatrice and LidiaEDIT: for a second I forgot about Lidia

This message was edited 12/9/2016, 12:48 PM

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I think I would name them Tua, Alma and Inez. But if I could choose anything, I would name them Amaryllis, Minerva and Millaray!

This message was edited 12/9/2016, 9:02 AM

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Millaray is beautiful! And I love the meaning.
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Hazel Imogen
Guinevere Cascille
Lyra Eglantine
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Sylvia Ruth, nn Sylvie
Eleanor Augusta, nn Nellie
Lucia Dare, nn LucieRuth= my step-grandmother's first name
Augusta= my maternal grandmother's first name
Dare = my paternal grandmother's first name
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Well here are the ones that my DH wanted.Helena Juno Epiphany
Willow Rayne Josephine
Gypsy Jessamine Cricket (Ewwww) Lol.I blame it on the medicine he takes. Lol.Here are the ones I would want.Piper Elora Celeste
Tayla Xian Winter
Octavia Jasmine Noelle
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I love Willow
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I like Tessa.
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Chastity Rowan, Charlotte Aspen, and Chloe Juniper... Chastity, Charlotte, and Chloe are all in my top 50 right now, and I love name themes on multiples! (I guess I'm in the minority for the themey names, huh? lol)
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Lilia Adele
Willow Sarah
Ivy ReignYes, it's a bit matchy...
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I love Willow and Ivy
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Today's flavour in the real world (if I were to reply tomorrow the choices might be different):Emma Charlotte
Livia Therese
Stella Vivian
In a perfect world where nobody would bat an eye at other people's names:Andromeda Lily
Bellatrix Daisy
Cassiopeia Iris
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Great combos! :)
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Lily, Eliana and Luna. Full names: Lily Aurora, Eliana Rose and Luna Matilda.I don't really like the fact that Lily and Luna both have two syllables and start with an L but it doesn't bother me that much either. Luna means moon and Eliana sun which is a coincidence but kind of nice. And Lily and Rose are both flowers so all names are connected in a way, by coincidence.
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I would regret these names so much, but I had a really hard time coming up with triplet names. Uuugghh.Natalia Winter
Viviana Tempest
Estella Juliet
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Dinah, Laura and Tessa.
Lucy, Clare and Eloise.
Beatrice, Cecily and Marianne.
Vickie (honouring, so not Victoria), Philippa (Pippa) and Harriet.
Anne, Joy and Ruth.Er ... did you want mns as well? That could take a lot longer!
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Amelia Josephine Margaux (middle honoring)
Eleanor Susannah Jillian (middles honoring)
Coraline Isabel Lavinia (middle honoring)
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Jillian, Linnet and Azalea. Jill, Netti and Zea
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Tansy Winifred and Sibyl Agatha make perfect sisters. Eloise looks a little misplaced to me; I think I'd make it Maude Eloise to match the others (even though I'm not a fan of Maude).
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Mine would be - following a Shakespeare theme
Ophelia Winter, Beatrice Eve and Celia RoseNew Names PNL: http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/151224

This message was edited 12/8/2016, 6:13 PM

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Beautiful names, all of them. Ophelia and Beatrice are two of my top names and Celia is gorgeous too. My only nit-pick is that Ophelia and Celia rhyme.
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Maybe Ophelia and Celia are the identical ones? :) lol
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Marianna Valentina
Madeline Vera
Mabel Vivienne

This message was edited 12/8/2016, 5:55 PM

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I like all except Mabel, which sounds too stuffy for me. But I love your theme (matching initials)! My girls have matching initials, too, except they don't share middle initials. The middles do have a theme, though! (see my response to the main post)
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Kira Leonie
Tori Cassandra
Willow Christine

This message was edited 12/12/2016, 7:08 PM

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Viola Voltairine
Beatrix Blackbird
Susanna StardustThey're a bit whimsical and I probably wouldn't actually have the guts to do it, but there you are.
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yeah, and you've got a nice biblical theme, too! Vashti and Tirzah are new name crushes of mine, and I like Margot, although I prefer it spelled Margo.
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Truthfully, I'd only want 1 or 2 daughters as I don't see myself having over 3 kids and I would hope for at least 1 son. But for this...
Lydia, Elowen & Caroline or Lydia, Elowen & Alice. Maybe Lydia, Mara & Alice. There are only a very few names I would seriously consider /actually/ using
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Elowen is so pretty, I've never seen it before. I also love Alice. I just became friends with a Mara!
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(:Elowen is more recent to me. I heard of it back maybe a year or 2 ago and I instantly fell in love with it. Mara as well. Alice I've always liked and respected but it wasn't until more recently I came to REALLY, REALLY like it (:I would love to met a Mara! (an Elowen as well but that's less likely) I like Mara even knowing the negative meaning behind itElowen in my opinion deserves more recognition. It's the complete opposite of a name that should be forgotten or never used IMHO (: if I don't get to use the name for a child, I can see myself using it for a cat (:
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I agree with you on Elowen! I didn't use to be a fan, but the more I saw it in writing, the more it's grown on me, and I can use the lovely (in my eyes, anyway lol) Ellie as a nickname!
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I also like Ellie as a nickname. So fitting! (:
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