[Opinions] Colin or Trevor?
So if you had to name a son either Colin or Trevor, which would you choose and why?_______________________________________________________________________________________I am all for finding loving homes for children who truly need them.I am against unnecessary, unethical, forced, and illegal "adoptions".I do not support sealed records, altered birth certificates, coercion of first parents, unenforceable "open" adoptions, and avoidance of fathers' rights.
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TrevorTrevor because it is cute and slightly nerdy. I also like the nn Trev. Plus I love the Comedian Trevor Noah. Also it is less common in the US.Colin is okay but I prefer Connor or Ciaran. Colin feels slightly boring and a little too masculine.Colin feels more like the handsome and charming leading man while Trevor feels like the down-to-earth boy-next-door.Both are great boy's names so you can't go wrong.

This message was edited 1/13/2017, 6:38 AM

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ColinColin is simple and cute for a boy. Trevor is the name of Neville Longbottom's toad.
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Neither name is my style. I'm going to go with Trevor because I've known both a Colin and a Trevor and Trevor was the nicer guy.
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I don't love either yet I'd easily go with Colin. It seems more friendly and I like the way it looks. Besides, Trevor has always reminded me of retriever. Funny that I've never associated Colin with colon.
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Colin. I like them both, but Trevor shortens to Trev which is a nightmare. I also associate Trevor with elderly gents in beige pullovers with beer stains, making unfunny jokes in very loud voices. By comparison, Colin has restraint!
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Put me down for Colin.It's sweet. I really like it.
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If Colin was to be pronounced like colon, then I'd choose Trevor.
if it was pronounced like Collins without the s, I'd choose Colin.But since Colin's pronunciation is so ambiguous, I'd have to choose Trevor.
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ColinI've always thought Trevor was kinda doofy. Colin I've always thought was handsome and friendly. It actually was on our back up list for Alex.
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Colin by a mileColin might be a little bit dated, but it's a classic and sounds soft and handsome. I don't see the appeal of Trevor at all.
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Colin, it is my nephew's name and Trevor reminds me too much of GTA 5!
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Trevor, because it's not as overused as Colin.
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We chose Colin - decided it was a sweet name with UK roots that could go equally well on an athlete, band member or writer
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Both are good but I just prefer Colin.
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UgggHHHHGgggh they are both so undesirable to me.I guess I'll say Colin because while I know one who is an pasty mansplainer, the only Trevor I know has absolutely no regard for people's homes or personal space. In any interaction I've had the misfortune of sharing with him, he has made a mess of someone's home (literally threw a party at my best friend's home which he was housesitting), or laughed and didn't listen when someone asked him not to smoke inside. His name now reminds me of a Tractor Trailer, just absolutely running over and demolishing anything in his stinky path.So, Colin.

This message was edited 1/11/2017, 12:59 PM

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COLINColin a billion times over. Trevor makes my skin crawl.
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Colin. I just think it sounds nicer and will age better.
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Trevor, it's wonderfully frumpy! Colin is boring.
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TrevorTrevor. I guess I slightly prefer the sound, and Ev is a nice nickname. Plus I've probably heard of more Colins than Trevors, so it's a little less dull (but not much).
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Trevor. Colin, I dunno, it's kind of whiny sounding I guess? Trevor sounds better with my surname as well. And I've never thought about Colin as a name I even sort of like but sometimes I think about Trevor.
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Because Trevor is a toad (Harry Potter) and just a ugly name.
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Hi !!!Harry Potter!!!
I choose Colin for the same book!
Where I live (in Italy) there is any Colin and the only one I've ever know is Creevey!
I don't care for actors with the same name..Colin Creevey in the only Colin for me.Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

This message was edited 1/11/2017, 12:31 PM

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TrevorI think it's a nice name. Colin is okay, but I have known so many of them that I have a lot of strong associations with it.
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Both are very dated where I live, to the extent that people would laugh if they heard of a baby Colin or Trevor. I guess if I had to pick, I'd use Colin and call him Cole.
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Hi !!!I choose Colin.
It seems sweet and the sound is more familiar to me.Byeeeeeeeee
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