[Opinions] Alice or Charlotte?
Which would you choose?

This message was edited 1/18/2017, 3:20 PM

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Charlotte!I never liked Alice. Besides, Charlotte is in my top 5 for girls right now, and it has a sweeter sound to it.
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Alicebut l like both.
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CharlotteSince I like Charlotte Brontë. Also, I've never liked Alice.
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Alice! Every time:-)
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Alice!I love Alice and Charlotte is ok, but it doesn't sound nearly as nice and is a bit overdone, imo.
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I would choose Alice.Charlotte is far too popular but I do love the nn's Lottie and Lettie.
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CharlotteHi !!!Charlotte is beautiful.
I pronounce it like in French so it is refined and feminine. I love Lotte as NN for it. It is so sweet and soft when you pronounce it!When I was a child I quite liked Alice. But it is so popular here that now I dislike it very much !!
And another thing: in Italian 'alice' ah-LEE-cheh means 'anchovy' and make this name awful.Byeeeeeee
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Both are nice but I would choose Alice.
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Alice, because it would honour my grandmother. Charlotte is becoming a tad too popular as well. I do like Charlotte, though, and Alice Charlotte is a lovely combo.
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Alice, all the way. I'd use it in a heartbeat, given enough daughters; as it is, I used it on a very beautiful cat.Charlotte sounds harsh and abrupt, and not only rhymes with 'harlot' - it contains it! No, no and no again.
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Alice of course, because I saw Alice cooper in 11th grade
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It's the perfect "books and magic" name :)
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Well, neither, but if I had to choose, then Alice.
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I prefer Alice to Charlotte, which has been boring me for years.Alys, Adelais, and Adeliza are better than Alice, though.
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Alice. I like how Charlotte looks but shar-lit is a letdown.
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Alice. Just a nicer name imo.:)
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AliceI like both, but Alice has a more magical, storybook feel to it, probably because of Alice In Wonderland, and I really like that.
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Both are darling but I pick AliceI'm actually considering Alice if I ever end up having a daughter or a second daughter. If not Lydia Alice then Lydia Faye & Alice___something,
Most likely.
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Alice, so sweet!
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