[Facts] Daughters name
I cannot find my daughters name, which is Fallon - Irish - Meaning - In Charge.
www.namenerds.com gives the meaning as "leader", and says rather sweetly that since it was never used as a given name in Ireland, it is therefore suitable for both boys and girls.
Which is certainly one way of looking at it!
Which is certainly one way of looking at it!
the meaning is "of a ruling family"
If it's something like Babynames.com, don't trust it. Caprice explained this very well here: http://snipurl.com/ocf3. She's talking about name books here, but everything she says is equally valid regarding name sites.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
If it's something like Babynames.com, don't trust it. Caprice explained this very well here: http://snipurl.com/ocf3. She's talking about name books here, but everything she says is equally valid regarding name sites.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Click here: http://snipurl.com/obp8. Fallon's probably just a transferred surname.
Alternatively, Fallon could conceivably be derived from Fáelán (Faelan) or Faolán (Faolan) (pr. FWAY-lawn according to NameNerds.com), in which case it's a male name transferred to female usage.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Alternatively, Fallon could conceivably be derived from Fáelán (Faelan) or Faolán (Faolan) (pr. FWAY-lawn according to NameNerds.com), in which case it's a male name transferred to female usage.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.