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[Facts] Daughters name
I cannot find my daughters name, which is Fallon - Irish - Meaning - In Charge.
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Replies gives the meaning as "leader", and says rather sweetly that since it was never used as a given name in Ireland, it is therefore suitable for both boys and girls.Which is certainly one way of looking at it!
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the meaning is "of a ruling family"
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Source?If it's something like, don't trust it. Caprice explained this very well here: She's talking about name books here, but everything she says is equally valid regarding name sites.
Image hosting by PhotobucketProud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
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Click here: Fallon's probably just a transferred surname.Alternatively, Fallon could conceivably be derived from Fáelán (Faelan) or Faolán (Faolan) (pr. FWAY-lawn according to, in which case it's a male name transferred to female usage.
Image hosting by PhotobucketProud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
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