[Opinions] Lincoln?
Is Lincoln common or used a lot where you live? I'm just curious. I haven't really had a boys name that I have grown to love since I used the name Joah for my son.Lincoln has been growing on me.What are some middle name suggestions? No not planning on anymore kids. But I still love names. :)
Thank you.TammyKaleb Joshua WyattLilith Morgana JuneJoah Paul BenjaminSariah Jade Alice 01-16-15
Freya Aliona Jocelyn 02-21-17
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A former co-worker had a little brother born 2-3 years ago and he was named Lincoln. It's only started to skyrocket in popularity within the last few years, so I would not expect to know many adult men, or teenagers, named Lincoln.I love the name Lincoln and have since I was a teenager. I'm glad to see it gaining popularity.
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Thank you! Yeah I haven't heard it much at all in my area. But I have grown to like it alot. :)
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I have only known 1 Lincoln IRL. And he would be in his 50s now.I actually like it. And I wouldn't think twice if I met a child with the name.Lincoln Alexander
Lincoln Charles
Lincoln Isaiah
Lincoln Nathaniel
Lincoln Michael
Lincoln Oliver
Lincoln Reginald
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Thank you! I like it alot. I'm thinking on adding it to my stock pile combos.I like these...Lincoln Alexander
Lincoln Isaiah
Lincoln Nathaniel
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I'd say it's fairly common where I live. I know several young ones. I don't dislike it, I guess. I think it has a sort of historical charm, and would go nicely with more classic things.
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Thank you! I haven't known anyone named this around our area. But we live in a some what of a small town. So I was just curious as to if it was popular in other areas.
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No, not very popular but I have met maybe one in the last year. The fact that a celebrity used it on a girl may have something to do with the fact people don't want to use it on a boy.
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Thank you! Yeah I can't see it on a girl. It is totally a boys name to me. But each to their own.

This message was edited 3/12/2017, 6:14 AM

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I used to love Lincoln, but now I'm neutral to it. I don't think it's overly common.
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Thank you!
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Lincoln is a name that has been increasing on the charts for quite some time and is often discussed about among the online name community. The name is not common around my area, or at least not to my knowledge. I honestly don't care for the name. To my ears, it comes acrossed as a complete surname. I also find it to be obnoxiously trendy (a trendy dislike name for me) is a bit tacky\cheesy and I don't know...I'm just not crazy for it. The diminutive of Linc\Link is possible worse.Middle suggestions anyway:Lincoln Gabriel
Lincoln David
Lincoln Wes
Lincoln Brody
Lincoln Jasper
Lincoln James
Lincoln Everett
Lincoln Tobias
Lincoln Peter
Lincoln Zachariah
Lincoln Xavier
Lincoln Paul
Lincoln Kai
Lincoln Gregory
Lincoln Travis
Lincoln Markus
Lincoln Emeric
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Thank you. Yeah it isn't common or popular around my area either. But I wasn't sure about other states or countries though. I like these suggestions though, Thank you!Lincoln Gabriel
Lincoln Brody
Lincoln Jasper
Lincoln Tobias
Lincoln Xavier
Lincoln Paul
Lincoln Kai
Lincoln Travis
Lincoln Emeric
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