[Opinions] Flora or Iona?
Which would you choose?

This message was edited 3/16/2017, 12:35 PM

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Flora!A couple people mentioned Flora margarine, which I've never heard of, so it's not relevant to me. Besides, I agree that Iona sounds like someone bragging. lol

This message was edited 3/17/2017, 1:18 PM

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Flora. Iona sounds too much like "I own a".
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FloraIt's so verdant!
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Flora, it's just prettier and I prefer the sound.
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Flora!!!! One of my Evergreen!
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FloraFlora is one of my favourite names, it's a family name. The margarine association isn't relevant where I live. I just think its so sweet and simple and classic. It's beautiful.
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Iona as I've never met one but I know 3 young Flora's
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Flora, I guess. Iona would make a good middle name, but doesn't roll off the tongue well enough to be a first name IMO.
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Iona sounds like the start of a bragging sentence, so Flora it is, regardless of margarine.
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IonaFlora just makes me think of floors \:
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Flora. It's classic and beautiful. I don't like many place names
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Iona. I don't mind Flora but it makes me think of someone really crazy. A woman with 20 cats who loves to draw and paint and wears glasses that are way too big for her face and floral skirts or dresses. Someone who doesn't live in the real world, very dreamy, who thinks of her cats as her babies and sometimes stops in the middle of a sentence and just stares at you like she forgot where she was. Someone who believes that you can find out all about your destiny by reading out of tea cups. Kind of like the crazy teacher in the Harry Potter books, but I think she had a different name. She would be the perfect Flora. Iona is nice.
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