[Opinions] Antonina or Antonia?
Would you prefer Antonina or Antonia? And why?- mirfak
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Antonia. It's got a good melody. Antonina is like... "Oh, not Antonia. It's AntoneeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEeeeena" in a really bratty voice.
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I prefer Antonia, which sounds very elegant to me. However, I do like Nina and that you can get Nina from Antonina...that's Antonina's only redeeming quality to me, it is far too much of a mouthful on its own. I don't really like any nicknames for Antonia but I don't think it needs one.
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Antonia. That third n just cuts lff the flow
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Antonia is shorter, neater and tidier, plus it doesn't shorten to Nina or have (distant) connections to Antoninus Pius.Antonia all the way.
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Antonia, because Antonina just seems overly flourished and fancified. But I don't like Antonia either. I much prefer Antoinette, but best of all would prefer just plain Toni.
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Antonia.Part of me might just be picking it because I'm used to it; Antonia is name of one of my best friends growing up (though she goes by Toni). I think Antonia is smoother overall. I kind of stumble over that extra consonant in Antonina, especially with another N so close. I can see why it's appealing but I don't think it would work for me.
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Antonia. I don't care for the "nina" part of Antonina. I dislike Nina. Antonina is awkward to me, Antonia isn't. Antonina seems OTT.
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I prefer Antonia.I want to like Antonina, but I have a hard time pronouncing it (if I'm not careful, it comes out something like Antoine-ya or Aunt Nina).
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They're both nice. I'd choose Antonia, because it's shorter and more classic, and call her Anya sometimes - hopefully thereby squishing any chance of Toni
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Usually Antonia but tonight Antonina. They are both pretty and I like them. Nina works as a nn for Antonina while Toni and Annie work as nn's for either. That is why I prefer Antonina tonight because Nina is a prettier nn.

This message was edited 3/28/2017, 2:21 AM

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Hi !!!Antonia !!
It is complete and with a long history behind it.Antonina is only an -ugly imo- NN.
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Antonia! By far! The -nina takes away from what I love about Antonia; its sparse, crisp, exact beauty. Plus, the literary/poetic associations only come through for me for Antonia. But Antonina could be a sweet pet name for an Antonia.

This message was edited 3/28/2017, 1:20 AM

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