[Opinions] April
Since being the month of April, what do you think of it as a name? My short opinion: I like it. I think April sounds pretty and decent. Ages well too. It reminds me a good friend I once had in elementary school. BQ: Favorite month names? (If any)
Mine are definitely April & June (I don't May\other spellings & August though)
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I very much love the name April at the moment.It makes me think of the nice shy artistic girl I knew named April in middle school. I got to know her younger sister Chloe fairly well in high school.April makes me think of the Teen Mutant Ninja Turtles character.Also April Ludgate from Parks and Rec was one of my favorite characters in the TV show.April is the start of spring; crocuses, daffodils, tulips, cherry blossoms, sudden downpours, thunderstorms, sunshine, and rainbows.My second favorite month name for girls is January, followed by August, June, May, July, November, December, and then September.

This message was edited 4/4/2017, 7:43 AM

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I like it a lot, I kinda like months as names.. April, Mae (May), June, August. -----------Audrey, Martha, Jeanette, Phoebe, Veronica, Jaclyn, Victoria, Clara, Apolonia, Laurette, Stephanie, Tracy, AnnetteAnthony, Damien, Alexander, Valentine, Maximilian, Daniel, Vincent, Matthew, Christopher, Russell, Randall, Nicholas----------------Rate my PNL: http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/166097/112886

This message was edited 4/3/2017, 7:15 PM

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I don't like it. The first syllable is "ape". Nuff said.But I love June and July, and I like September and December as names.
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I can't really get into it. There is something so blue and rainy about it :P April is usually cold, windy and rainy here. At the moment we are having a wonderful, sunny april but my general association is that of the color blue, of wind and rain and of wet feet! It does have an interesting sound that it doesn't share with many other girls names but it seems a bit 70s/80s dated.I like June better. I also kind of like July.
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April's definitely fun and happy sounding. I used to like Avril, but not so much now. My favourite month name (for a boy) is by far August, it's handsome, but cute and boyish too.
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April always seems fake. OK as a stage name but unlikely in real life. And I've never met one. I know a few Avril people though, and I much prefer it.I don't really think of May as a month name. It's a family name and I quite like it, but I prefer Maeve or Mabel. And where I live, April and May are autumn, not spring. Not sure if that makes a difference.
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April is all right. I'm not sure if I'd like to be the bearer of the name April, since the first syllable can result in the unfortunate nickname "Ape," but also due to the inevitable questions regarding when I was born. In fact, the latter is what puts me off of "month names."That all said, I did recently discover the Ukrainian variant Kvitnya, which is intriguing; although I don't know exactly how often it occurs as a name over there.
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April is by far my favorite month name. It's as soft and pretty and bright as the month is supposed to be. Only caveat is a lot of people seem to like to pair it with Dawn, which I like a lot on its own but April Dawn sounds like fabric softener.
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I know sisters named April and Dawn.
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