[Opinions] Angelica vs Angelina
Do you prefer Angelica or Angelina?I posted a poll yesterday but it's already paged off and has only 13 votes.
http://www.behindthename.com/polls/275165 Please vote there, and/or vote here if you'd like to give your reasons! Thanks.- mirfak

This message was edited 4/5/2017, 12:33 PM

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I voted for Angelina, simply because to me, angelica is flavourless green stuff for putting on iced cakes.If your other option had been Angelique, things would have been different. I prefer it to Angelina, partly I think because it's shorter and gives a more energetic, less languid impression.But if I had to choose an angel name, I'd go with good old vanilla Angela. I once knew an Angela who went by Jill, which cheered me up greatly.
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Angelina.Although I like Angeline a bit better.
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AngelinaAngelica is fine but I like Angelina more as that sounds more innocent and softer and prettier. Angelica always makes me think of some rude, bossy person. I'm sure I can thank Angelica pickles for that. Haha. Still to this day I often associate Angelica with that cartoon.
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AngelinaI grew up right in the peak of the Rugrats popularity so Angelica reminds me way too much of a little brat. I also don't like the prominence of 'angelic' in the name...it's just too much for me.Angelina is probably my favorite Ang- name. I don't like that group of names at all really but the 'lina' softens the ugliness of the 'Ang' syllable.
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I prefer Angelica, because I tend to like the "ic" sound in names (Erika, Cedric, Veronica, Icarus), and I like that it's a plant name.
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Angelica.Angelina just seems whiny to me.
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AngelicaI love the name Angelica, for a long while in my youth I both loved and disliked it probably because I used to strongly associate it with some of the characters Anjelica Huston would play and the cartoon character Angelica Pickles from The Rugrats which gave it a harsh snooty vibe. I've always loved that it is the name of the herb and since I more strongly associate it now with the spice I love it. Plus Anjelica Huston is a great actress.Angelina feels more girly than Angelica plus I prefer Adelina to Angelina. Also Angelina is more common than Angelica or Adelina. I do like Angelina since it is the name of my sweet and spunky youngest cousin whose nn is Lina not Angie because her mom hates Angie.My only issue with Angelica is that the only nn's are Ang, Angie, Ann, Anna, and Annie while Angelina gets the pretty nn Lina.

This message was edited 4/5/2017, 2:45 PM

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I know an Angelica who is probably about 7 now. She goes by Angel. I can't decide if it's cute or a shame.
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I think I like Angelina a bit better. Something about the emphasis on the second syllable in Angelica does not appeal to me.
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I prefer Angelica over Angelina. However, I prefer Angeline over Angelica, if that matters.
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Hmm. Probably Angelina, because I'm hearing the jelly in Angelica and seeing 'angelic'
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Angelina Jolie isn't a good association for me. She is probably nice and a good actress but there is something so cold about her. Strangely enough Angelina seems like a very warm name to me whereas Angelica seems harsh and cold. Angelica would fit her better :PI prefer Angelina. There is something warm, soft and sunny about it. Angelica is so dark.
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AngelinaAngelica is just too tacky and overdone. The Rugrats character was well-named.
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Angelica!!!Hi !!!Angelica is one of my favourite names!!I love it because of its meaning! Its sound is wonderful!It also has an aristocratic sound imo and finally a floreal meaning as well!
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Angelina! I've never liked Angelica, it just sounds so snobbish and I really dislike the -ica sound! Angelina is such a beautiful name! So feminine yet so strong. ❤
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I don't like either of them, but I'd go for Angelica which at least is a nice solid botanical name rather than over fancified Angelina
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