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[Opinions] Re: Finnish BAs
Julius Martti Kaspian - Oh, Kaspian! I wonder if Kaspian would be usable as first name... (I like the sound of Kasper, but it's just too common, so maybe Kaspian could be a nice alternative.)
Unto Elmeri, brother Taavi - Baby Unto and Taavi! I don't know what to think. Their next son should be called Elmo.
Patrik Jaakko Tapani, sisters Karoliina and Kiira - Ohh I wish I knew if they have an intentional name letter theme or not.
Ari Daran, brother Ardan - I really like this
Eemeli Aksel - Cool! And nice to see Aksel.Vilhelmiina Theresia (Katariina and Paul, grandparents Hannele and Yrjö + Ursula and Wolfgang) - I want this couple to have a boy whose (middle) name is Wolfgang.
Elli Enni Anneli - I first thought Elli Enni is so strange, but this combo actually sounds really lovely. Like a poem.
Taimi Hillevi, sister Telma - Pretty!
Maija Amalia - My favourite combo out of these!
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