[Opinions] Pharrell's triplets?
If you named the triplets of Pharrell Lanscilo Williams (just known as Pharrell) and his wife Helen, of whom already have a son named Rocket, what would you name them? They haven't released the names or genders and don't seem to have plans to do so, so pick what you like.
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I'm sure they're names we could never guess! Rocket and... Cosmo, Calypso and NovaCosmo and Nova because they're cosmic names like Rocket. Calypso because it sounds cool and it's a style of music.

This message was edited 7/1/2017, 6:21 PM

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Champion, Armstrong and Starlette?
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Luna, Solar and Galaxy
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Silverleaf Bordeaux (g)
Datura Pleiades (g)
Spike Garrison (b)
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I'm going to go with Zenith and Glory.
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and what about the third triplet? Rocket is the older brother.
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Oops. Zenith
WilderGenders are TBD
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Sprocket, Pocket and Jiminy Cricket.
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Angara Lambda Kourou, Ares Mir Endeavour & Maven Cygnus Vanguard
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