[Opinions] Twin names
Hi Everyone!
What do you think of Tristan and Isolde as twin names?
What do you think of Tristan and Isolde as twin names?
Eh ... a bit incestuous for my liking ...
I love both these names (they're both on my favorite names list) but I'd never use both because in the legend, Tristan and Isolde were lovers and so it just doesn't work.
Other combos that don't work in the same manner:
Arthur and Guinevere
Lancelot and Guinevere
Paris and Helen
Romeo and Juliet
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds - Half of writing history is hiding the truth.
- Serenity
I love both these names (they're both on my favorite names list) but I'd never use both because in the legend, Tristan and Isolde were lovers and so it just doesn't work.
Other combos that don't work in the same manner:
Arthur and Guinevere
Lancelot and Guinevere
Paris and Helen
Romeo and Juliet
- Serenity
this is for the main incestious poster not you sorry
i think thats so offensive! just because they would have the same names doesnt make them incestous thats perverted.
I like Romeo and Juliet and id use them as sibligns does that make my kids lovers to eachother? NO!
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
i think thats so offensive! just because they would have the same names doesnt make them incestous thats perverted.
I like Romeo and Juliet and id use them as sibligns does that make my kids lovers to eachother? NO!
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
This message was edited 4/3/2006, 4:01 PM
The point...
isn't that they'd be destine for an incestuous relationship or anything like that. The point is that the siblings would have the names of two classic lovers, and the association would very probably bring to mind an incestuous relationship.
Same goes for Romeo and Juliet. It doesn't matter if your kids aren't having "that kind" of relationship with each other. People connect Romeo and Juliet romantically; it's a very common association for the two names when they're together (often apart, for that matter). No one will make a serious judgment about these kids, like those names are somehow causation for a sexual relationship, but the association is glaringly obvious and anyone who is even slightly literate will make it.
isn't that they'd be destine for an incestuous relationship or anything like that. The point is that the siblings would have the names of two classic lovers, and the association would very probably bring to mind an incestuous relationship.
Same goes for Romeo and Juliet. It doesn't matter if your kids aren't having "that kind" of relationship with each other. People connect Romeo and Juliet romantically; it's a very common association for the two names when they're together (often apart, for that matter). No one will make a serious judgment about these kids, like those names are somehow causation for a sexual relationship, but the association is glaringly obvious and anyone who is even slightly literate will make it.

Maybe i'm different then everyone else then cause that doesn't come to mind at all
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
I'm astonished that you can be as old as you claim you are in your profile, and yet not realise that naming siblings after the protagonists in tragic love & sex stories is something that you just don't do. Quite apart from the fact that EVERYONE will think of the story when they hear those names, can you imagine being in high school when the class learns about Romeo & Juliet or Arthur & Guinevere? Would *you* like to go through school being teased with the epithet "Ha ha, you f***ed your brother!" ? Would you? Because that's the kind of thing kids say. That's probably the *mildest* of the things they'd say.
Life is tough enough on kids without them being tagged with a name that brings up completely inappropriate associations when placed next to a sibling's name.
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Life is tough enough on kids without them being tagged with a name that brings up completely inappropriate associations when placed next to a sibling's name.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
I honestly would mind. sure I know where the names came from, obviously, but maybe I was just raised differently than most people. If my name was Juliet, and my brother's name was Romeo, I'd probably just think my mother really loved both those names, or the story or something, if people said nasty things about me, and him that's thier problem, if they want to be weird and perverted it's thier buisness. I wouldn't think it was incestous that's going a bit far. Children get teasted regardless of anything, yes they might get teasted a bit more, but I'd teach them respect about thier own names, and how perverted people are now a days. I try not to think drity minded [as most kids do now a days]..i'm not saying you...i mean in general. I don't look at them as "sex stories", but yes romantic tales, and yeah they were tragic but it's only a story. I coulnd't use Juliet anways if I wanted to my niece is Julia, I'd defenitly use Romeo though. :)
I understand how people could get think wrong impression, buit to call it incestious I think is evil.
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
I understand how people could get think wrong impression, buit to call it incestious I think is evil.
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
This message was edited 4/4/2006, 4:16 PM
You seem to be in complete denial about this subject, and I'm not going to waste much time trying to convince you - if you're still immature enough to call sex "dirty" and "perverted" then it'll be a long time before you have kids anyway.
But rest assured, those stories are about SEX and since that's all teenage boys think about, your children would be verbally tortured because of your stubborn refusal to face facts.
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
But rest assured, those stories are about SEX and since that's all teenage boys think about, your children would be verbally tortured because of your stubborn refusal to face facts.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Excuse me? I am mature. I am not in denial, I said I know people would think of those ways, but i'm Christian, I try not thinking that way. By means of "dirty" im not talking about sex in itself, because that's not dirty/perverted, but to think something was incetious IS pervert and dirty, when it's just two children named whatever the parents named them. I know the story well, I love Romeo & Juilet the play, but I see it more then just a 'sex' story, it goes much more then that, obviously many can't see that.
If you want me to be perverted like the rest of the world, then i'm sorry but your not going to get me to think that by seeing the names Romeo and Juliet or Tristan and Isolde that would be incestious together. That's just wrong. Yes they were lovers (there's more to lovers then just sex, there's a difference between love and lust), besides the story isnt even about sex, but it's not like it happend for real, maybe if it did i'd change my mind.
I DO see your point, but I still don't think naming them that is "bad", it may be a little odd in itself. Yes teasing potential would be more, but I do not think it's incestious.
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
If you want me to be perverted like the rest of the world, then i'm sorry but your not going to get me to think that by seeing the names Romeo and Juliet or Tristan and Isolde that would be incestious together. That's just wrong. Yes they were lovers (there's more to lovers then just sex, there's a difference between love and lust), besides the story isnt even about sex, but it's not like it happend for real, maybe if it did i'd change my mind.
I DO see your point, but I still don't think naming them that is "bad", it may be a little odd in itself. Yes teasing potential would be more, but I do not think it's incestious.
"There is none Holy like The Lord, there is none besides Thee; there is no Rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2 RSV)
This message was edited 4/4/2006, 6:17 PM
I agree.
I also have to say that if I met IRL sibling set named Romeo and Juleit/Lancelot and Guinevere/Guinevere and Arthur/etc I wouldn't stop laughing.
I also have to say that if I met IRL sibling set named Romeo and Juleit/Lancelot and Guinevere/Guinevere and Arthur/etc I wouldn't stop laughing.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Ah, the old "lovers as siblings" quandary.
That just sounds like a horrible idea. I'd pass it up. Just because you (as in someone) are used to hearing two names together doesnt' mean they belong together as brother and sister.
That just sounds like a horrible idea. I'd pass it up. Just because you (as in someone) are used to hearing two names together doesnt' mean they belong together as brother and sister.

This message was edited 4/3/2006, 2:10 AM
I agree with most of the other posters--that's just gross


I'm not a big fan of either Tristan or Isolde. I guess they're okay for someone else to name their children, but I would never do so.
"Lord, help me to understand that You ain't going to let nothing come my way that You and me together can't handle." Anonymous African Boy
"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." Aesop
"Lord, help me to understand that You ain't going to let nothing come my way that You and me together can't handle." Anonymous African Boy
"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." Aesop
I agree with what's been said. Don't do it. I admit that as far as twin names go, a literary/less obvious theme is cool, but NOT tragic lovers. Not any lovers.

Agree & well put.
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
I love RHPS!

I love RHPS!

C'mon, Frank-N-Furter and Rocky for twin boys? Who wouldn't do that? *LOL*
Am I the only one who remembers the twins born toward the end of the series of The Cosby Show? They were named Nelson and Winnie. I thought that was pretty kinky. :D
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Am I the only one who remembers the twins born toward the end of the series of The Cosby Show? They were named Nelson and Winnie. I thought that was pretty kinky. :D
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Now I'm feeling culturally illiterate...(m)
I don't see the joke behind Nelson and Winnie! All I can see is kind of a play on Willie Nelson. Enlighten me?
Russ Feingold is a hero.
Censure President Bush.
I don't see the joke behind Nelson and Winnie! All I can see is kind of a play on Willie Nelson. Enlighten me?
Russ Feingold is a hero.
Censure President Bush.
Nelson Mandela and his wife Winnie. I don't remember if she had a different ln. They were seen as a model couple because she waited for him throughout his imprisonment.
Unfortunately, it came out later that Winnie was on the take and, allegedly, involved in violent extorsion / schemes. Nelson divorced her. When the news was coming out, I swear I thought about those twins on the Cosby show. Good thing they were fictional.
Unfortunately, it came out later that Winnie was on the take and, allegedly, involved in violent extorsion / schemes. Nelson divorced her. When the news was coming out, I swear I thought about those twins on the Cosby show. Good thing they were fictional.
Omigod, I *am* too old for y'all
It was the 80s, Nelson Mandela was still in prison (well, house arrest, I believe) in South Africa and his wife Winnie was his public "face," reminding people of his ordeal. She was quite a colorful character. It was only after his release that it was revealed how badly she'd behaved while he was imprisoned, and he subsequently divorced her. So Cosby had these twins (his grandbabies on the show) named Nelson and Winnie for this real married couple, but it was to remind the audience of those real people and what South Africa as a nation was going through during the apartheid years.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
It was the 80s, Nelson Mandela was still in prison (well, house arrest, I believe) in South Africa and his wife Winnie was his public "face," reminding people of his ordeal. She was quite a colorful character. It was only after his release that it was revealed how badly she'd behaved while he was imprisoned, and he subsequently divorced her. So Cosby had these twins (his grandbabies on the show) named Nelson and Winnie for this real married couple, but it was to remind the audience of those real people and what South Africa as a nation was going through during the apartheid years.
Proud daughter of Ann and John
Proud sister of Lauren and Leah
Proud wife of David
Proud mother of Alexander, Scarlett, Sophia, and Gideon
Honestly, its a bit creepy to me considering Tristan and Isolde were lovers and on a brother and sister it sounds almost incestuous.
Hmm. Yeh good point, but I do like the names.