[Opinions] Triplet names
Harmony, Lyric and Melody
Lily, Jasmine and Rose
Amythyst, Emerald and Pearl
Willow, Honeysuckle, Blossom
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Personally I prefer Lily, Jasmine and Rose and after that Harmony, Lyric, and Melody. The others are just a bit out there for me, as irl names but ok for characters.
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I had an all girl triplet set when I was younger. It was Mystery, Story and Fable. Kind of one the same type theme set as you have above.
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Might just work on something non-human and adorably ugly, like bulldog puppies.
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More like Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl. JK
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I like them all except the last set. Not a fan of Willow, Honeysuckle ("suck" in a name = not good), or Blossom. But I wouldn't give a themed set of names to triplets.
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Anybody who thinks Honeysuckle, or any name with "suckle" or "suck" in it, makes a cute name, is a pinhead.
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