[Opinions] Eivissa
Sorry to post this again . People were confused with the name Eivissa it is a place in IBIZA. It is pronounced as E V ZA . A real girl on tv was called it and I thought it was pretty and really suited her. What do you think of it ? I think it would look better in somebody's middlename because it is hard to say . I like the imagery of the beach and holidays that come with the name . Eivissa is meant to be a beautiful area .
I remember seeing Eivissa on tv (wasn't she one of the children on One Born Every Minute?) and thinking it was a really interesting name. But then I left it in my notes somewhere. It has a pleasant sound, but I don't think I'd use it. With Eivissa being the Catalan for Ibiza (according to Wiki), and it having a very party orientated rep (thanks to mostly British tourists) that I don't find enjoyable, I wouldn't use it. I wouldn't personally like people assuming that's why I named my daughter Eivissa, when it's not something I'm at all into.
That's right, Eivissa is both the Catalan name of Ibiza and the name of the biggest town. I think it has a rather nice sound, but I don't think it would work in Sweden, because it sounds like "ej vissa" (not some [people, things, etc.]).