[Opinions] Re: Morven
Morven Morris is a bit frumpy, especially when paired with lispy Elspeth. Freya feels so weird next to them.I wouldn't worry about a lack of Scottish roots though, people without any Welsh connecions have been using Megan for years.
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Morven  ·  Mareasi  ·  8/30/2017, 2:01 AM
Re: Morven  ·  Dracotorix  ·  8/30/2017, 7:08 PM
Re: Morven  ·  Bear  ·  8/30/2017, 1:18 PM
Re: Morven  ·  Andromache  ·  8/30/2017, 12:15 PM
Re: Morven  ·  Janan  ·  8/30/2017, 9:58 AM
Re: Morven  ·  Danno  ·  8/30/2017, 9:36 AM
Re: Morven  ·  EMB  ·  8/30/2017, 5:28 AM