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[Opinions] India
What do you think of India? Does it work?
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Place names aren' t really my thing, unless they are established as people's names, like Charlotte or Virginia.
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Yes, it works, to me, where I am. It's too much for most people to want to use, for whatever reason. It's eccentric. But, once it's the name of a real person, it does work, and just sounds like a name to me. It's more locational and not ethnic when it's used as a name. It's like Adrian or Lydia. Or America or Brittany. It's not really someone's ethnic identity, that's a simplification. India the country is pretty diverse AFAIK. Maybe perception of the name usage is different in the UK (I'm in the US, and also live in an area where people from India are a very large affluent minority).

This message was edited 9/1/2017, 12:43 AM

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I used to like it but I don't really like any place names right now. Indira is good though.
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I prefer Indy.
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If you're white? No. It does not work.It works fine if you're from the sub-continent. Though most people from the sub-continent do not want to use it as a given name.I love India so much... it's a gorgeous word, would make a gorgeous name -- if there weren't loaded implications. I have many personal connections to the country, but I am not Indian -- in fact, I am part English. To use the name of a place my ethnic relatives subjugated, colonized, treated abominably...? No way. The height of ignorance, arrogance, and orientalism. If they're being honest, most white parents who choose India do so because it feels "beautifully exotic" to them. There is something very wrong with that.Europeans forfeited the right to use this name by violently exploiting India.
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Ok but why woule someone from the subcontinent want to use it? Plus I really don't see Pakistani parents wanting to use it, for one thing.
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That was my point -- people from the sub-continent wouldn't want to use it.

This message was edited 9/2/2017, 11:09 AM

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While I agree with almost everything you said, I doubt many white parents choose the name India because its "exotic." My first associations are India from Gone with the Wind and of course the beautiful country and probably people want to honor their favorite place or where they met, etc. Yes, there are is a lot of baggage with the name and I think as a general rule that everyone should stay away from it, but I don't know if its solely chosen because its "exotic."
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OT, but...I fucking LOVE the quote in your sig! Is it from a movie or something, or was it something a friend/relative said?

This message was edited 9/3/2017, 2:42 PM

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LanguagePlease edit your post, there are kids on this website, they don't need to see that kind of language.
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thanks, y'all! :)Thanks for sticking up for me, guys. I really appreciate it! I was gonna say something, but whenever I say something against someone, I tend to do it rudely, and I was afraid she really was one of the admins or mods (getting kicked out for fighting with the admins is NOT on my to-do list). *puts the F word back in her post*

This message was edited 9/3/2017, 2:45 PM

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Swearing is not against the rules.Swearing *at* people is against Rule 1, but there's no general rule against using expletives.
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Nor should it be. Also, children swear all the time, and whatever underage users we have on this site can surely manage their own discomfort, if there is any. If they're old enough to be on the internet they can handle a few expletives. This is a name site, not the LDS church, and we're generally pretty civil to each other here. It's not as if an odd F word is pornography.
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I completely agree. I use profanity pretty often (even though I've tried to tone it down for this site), and I'm one of the youngest people on here. Also, A+ for "This is a name site, not the LDS church", haha.
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Are we not supposed to swear? Is it different on Ops? (If it makes a difference, I'm a kid myself.) I never would have thought to censor it, haha.
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okay, sorry.
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Its from an episode of Frasier about baby naming.
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I mean, that is the very essence of appropriation isn't it? People taking something from another culture without acknowledging the history or the baggage that comes with it.The name India is hugely tied to colonial oppression, there are many beautiful Indian names a person could use if they love the Country and want to somehow represent that. Indira and Indra are lovely options, although Indira has it's own baggage.
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Actually, the very definition of appropriation is taking something sacred from another culture. I really dislike when people call just anything appropriation. I get where you are coming from, but it isn't appropriation to use the name India. Callous? Ignorant? Sure.
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Well said.
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I'm always tornI think it's charming in many ways and actually would rather like to use it one day, but at the same time it's kind of British imperialist to me, like it just has a colonialist feel to it.
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Agreed. Too colonialist. -
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It's nice, but I prefer Indie.
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Indie is much more preferable than India, IMO. I feel like India only is suitable for people of that ethnicity.
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AgreedI have friends (from India and Bangladesh) who have stated that they find India weird on non Indians, particularly white people. Indie's definitely preferable and awesome!
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I'm glad you two agree with me!I actually first heard Indie on one of four quadruplets on YouTube. The channel is called Gardner Quad Squad, and Indie is the firstborn, followed by sisters Esme (parents prn. it EZ-mee), Scarlett, and Evangeline.Okay, I'm done being random. (for

This message was edited 9/1/2017, 4:44 AM

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I love it. Very "Gone With the Wind" to me. But I'd be hesitant to use it myself for fear people would think I had some great interest in and/or felt some affinity with the country, which I don't.
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I love it, but it seems kind of like a pornstar name? Mainly because the character I used it for was named India Starr, which just screams pornstar.
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Yeah, it works. It's kind of attractive, in a rather flashy, 1990's kind of way.
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