[Opinions] Triplet BA (ETA Twin BA)
A triplet BA, what do you think?Cora, Kate, and HayesAlso, just saw a set of twins named...Adam and Eve."Okay, what are your ideas? Taylor? Uh-huh. Fletcher? Cooper? Tanner? Where are you getting these? The Big Book Of Medieval Professions?"

This message was edited 9/9/2017, 3:56 AM

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I'm not sure about Cora and Kate but I think Hayes is cool on a boy. It makes me think of Sean Hayes.
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Ugh.....to Adam and Eve. Although the worst twin b/g sibset I have ever seen was Brecken and Breckelle. At least Adam and Eve are real names. I like Cora and Kate together, although I think Cora and Katherine or Kathleen (nn Kate) would be even better. I like Cora and Hayes together. But Kate and Hayes isn't really working for me. Overall not a bad triplet combo. I think Cora, Katherine and Hayes would complement each other a little more but maybe they didn't want only one kid to go by a nickname. The combo makes me think of a well off Southern family.
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The worst set I have seen is really a toss up between Tailor and Tialor or Stephen and Steven.
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Cora is slowly growing on me, but I still don't like it.Kate is better as either a mn or a nick for Katelyn.Hayes is cool. Not my style, but cool.Adam and Eve? *groan*
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The triplet names I don't like at all. Kate is okay, but as a nn if you have to use it, and I actually prefer the full names Kaitlyn and Kathleen to any nns. Cora just sounds like a cranky old lady. Hayes seems weirdly out of place, and I'm not sure if it's a male or a female.I like Adam a lot and Eve is okay, but together they're a groaner. Do they have a sibling called Pinch-Me-Tight? And did they go down to the river to have a fight?
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Hayes is a male, but I can see how in this day and age people might mistake it for...well, anything really.
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Cora is sweet. Kate is too nicknamey and Hayes is too surnamey. I get where they were going with it... not too matchy, but with the whole one-syllable thing to tie them together. They just kind of failed, imo."Adam and Eve" is awful! Not only is it cheesy and ridiculous, but it sounds like they expect the children to mate with each other. Gross.
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I don't really like the shared sounds in Cora and Kate (I also hate Cora, but that's personal), or the 'ay' sounds in Kate and Hayes. I wouldn't mind if they were longer names, but being so short, that's most of the sound. I like that they're around the same length though and there are worse sets. I think Adam and Eve is just weird.
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Hi LiaMaria!!Cora, Kate and Hayes?
I dislike it, sorry.Cora and Kate are too similar and Kate is a NN imo.Hayes at the opposite is too different from the classic vibe of the females. Then in my mind is a surname.Anyway congratulations to their parents!! New babies are a good news!
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