[Opinions] Elida?
My brother and his wife are expecting their first daughter to arrive soon and they seem to finally have settled on a name: Elida. It's pronounced e-LEE-da and her middle name will be Vittoria. And if you haven't guessed it already from the name Vittoria, our family is Italian :)I personally think it's quite beautiful, but I'd love to hear your opinions and thoughts, and my brother is curious to hear what others think of the name, as well!
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I love it! Alida has long been on my list and I find I like the Elida spelling quite a bit. Lovely choice
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Very pretty. Does anybody know origin and meaning?
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All I can think of is the word "elide".
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I have met someone with a name like this, but it was spelling Alida. I always thought it was lovely. To be honest, I actually like the Elida spelling better and think that the look of Elida Vittoria is beautiful. It's a modern sounding name, with the popular El beginning, but has some flair with the unpopular 'd' thrown in there. I like it.
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I think it’s very pretty! Sounds princess-y.
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