[Opinions] Angelina
What do you think of Angelina?Do you prefer Angelina or Angela?Do you think Angelina is too sweet/sugary?Do you think of Angelina Jolie? (I don't have a problem with her but fear that the name has become really attached to just one person which I dislike in general).Is it dated? (its best times seem to be over already)Thanks :D
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i had a friend named this who went by Angel, to stand out more and because Angelina was too overly feminine.i have nothing wrong with it, other name yea, it sounds too sugary personally for me. it's good as a name that everyone knows, but that isn't common. and has many nicknames- actually, i think i've known more Angelinas probably, but they just all went by Angie. never connected that lmaoand it's more classic than dated to me. also reminds me of the ballerina mouse, which is always the best association to have with a name.
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I think it’s really sweet but not in a bad way. I do associate it with Angelina Jolie but it’s a pretty name in its own right and I think it’s usable. I do prefer it over Angela, which doesn’t do much for me. Don’t think it’s dated at all.
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I don't like either. I love Angel though.
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I don't like either. I love Angel though.
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I haven't thought about Angelina Jolie when I saw the name on the title so, to me, the name isn't really attached to that actress and, no, I don't think it is dated and I do prefer it to Angela.
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I prefer Angela, but not enough to use.Angelina isn't particularly sugary, but it is inconveniently long and has a clumsy, heavy rhythm.I know that Angelina Jolie exists, but I don't know what she looks like, what she does (OK, she acts, but that's all I know) or even if it's her actual name.
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My takes*These are just my personal impressions of these names. I really do not intend to offend / criticize. -I’m not a big fan of Angelina. It’s so feminine that it seems prissy to me, and a bit over the top. -I definitely prefer Angela. The two names have totally different feels. Angela is a strong, no-nonsense woman who can handle her business. Angelina comes from a wealthy family and feels that ordinary work is beneath her.-Yes, I think of Angelina Jolie (that’s not a bad thing)-No, it doesn’t seem dated to me, but Angela kind of does. Angelina was never really popular and so is a bit more timeless.
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Hi Perrine !!!Angelina is too nicknamey imoAngela or Angelina? Well...neither.
I much prefer Angelica.Angelina is strong imo not sugary at all. Angela instead is the sweet-granny one.Yes my first thought about Angelina is the Jolie. This is because despite it seems Italian Angelina is much much rarer than Angela.Infact in 2016 the Angela born were 544 while the Angelina only 39.Dated? Yes. Angela and Angelina seem dated and granny to me. Angelo is instead more modern and it is coming back fastly.
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