[Opinions] Giselle
What do you think of this name? I grew to like it after seeing the ballet. I know there’s that sound at the beginning that sounds like a certain inappropriate slang word, but I’ve never heard that word used in real life; so I don’t think it’s a problem.“Whatever you are, be a good one.” - Abraham Lincoln
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I think Giselle is a beautiful name, I like it a lot.
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You could go with the OE pronunciation — YEEzela, (OE 'G' is pronounced as modern 'y' before front vowels such as 'i'); the other authentic pronunciation would be similar to Gazelle (rhyming with diesel), with a hard G rather than a |dj| sound, but you may think that's too much like "Geezer". In any case the long or stressed vowel is the "i", not the "e", and it's often reduced to simply Gisl- or even Gis- or -gis in compound names.
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I think it's pretty, in the right combo it's beautiful. I think of a dainty ballerina. I actually slightly prefer the Gisèle spelling.
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I definitely can’t get past the first syllable. It’s just asking for trouble.It’s also anotherone that doesn’t pass the “please welcome to the stage the luscious...” test.

This message was edited 1/31/2018, 7:50 AM

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I think it's a nice name, and I don't think the starting sound is an issue.Gisela is my favourite form of the name though, due to personal association.
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I like Giselle; I actually started to like it after seeing it in a manga. I pronounce it in French, zhi-SEL.
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I love this name so much. It's so pretty. It doesn't get nearly enough love. My only issue is I can never decide whether I prefer Giselle, Gisele, Gisela or Gisella. I think I prefer Giselle.
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I really dislike it. It’s one of those names that I really strongly dislike, but at least it’s not made up or misspelled.
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It's mnot the worst name around, but it has a snobbish, yet somehow sleazy vibe to it, like a very high-priced call girl, or somebody whose main ambition in life was to marry a rich old man.
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