[Opinions] Ainslie
What do you think of it for a girl? I really like it!
A guilty pleasure of mine, I absolutely LOVE the name Ainsley on a girl. I'm not as fond of Ainslie, but at the very least it's not Ainsleigh :-)
Yes, I know how lonely life can be.
The shadows follow me and the night won't set me free.
But I don't let the evenings get me down,
As long as you're around me.
Yes, I know how lonely life can be.
The shadows follow me and the night won't set me free.
But I don't let the evenings get me down,
As long as you're around me.
I just think it sounds kind of sleazy. That "slie" or "sley" ending puts me off of any name, first name or surname.

The only people I know with this name spell it Ansley. I definitely prefer Ainslie, though.
A part of me really likes it, it has that surname & masculine feel but the perks of being a legitimate feminine name, but I just don't know ... the ans part sort of hurts it.

What's done to children, they will do to society. - Karl Menninger

What's done to children, they will do to society. - Karl Menninger
NMS. I have a general disliking for most names ending in the cutesy and trendy "-ie" sound.
I don't really like the sound. Also, it makes me think of that tv chef - a large black man. Doesn't really seem like a girls name to me.