[Opinions] Triplets
I read an article recently about triplets named Hogan, Rylan & Finn. Here's the article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/triplets-haley-arsenault-volunteers-babies-sisters-pei-1.4531885.What do you think? I like Finn. Not so big on Hogan or Rylan.
Samantha Catherine Irene
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Finn is ok. So is Rylan, although it's a bit too surnamey for me. Hogan is not good at all.
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Ugh, dislike them all. Typical trendy names that won’t age well at all (in my opinion).
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Lucky Finn!

This message was edited 2/15/2018, 4:32 AM

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I love Finn, but dislike the rest.
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A lost opportunity. I can't even guess the genders. Hogan is thoroughly unattractive; with luck it's a family name. Rylan looks like a synthetic fabric, and Finn is hopelessly trendi and looks unFINNished.
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I only like Rylan. Finn is boring and Hogan reminds me of Hulk Hogan or a hoagie.
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Finn and Rylan are decent, and Hogan just sounds incredibly unattractive.
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I can see how the names fit together. Flynn would have fit better than Finn though. I don't like really like Hogan but Rylan and Finn are alright and they work well together. Rylan is the in-between name. Hogan is big and hunky while Finn is small and dexterous.
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I really like Finn and I also like Rylan but prefer it way more as a middle name. Hogan is just awful. ); That kid received the short end of the stick
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Hogan sticks out so weirdly.. It's not attractive. Rylan isn't great, but not as bad. Finn is nice enough but insanely popular.
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Finn has the best name.
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