[Opinions] Triplets??
Okay, I admit, I love multiples. They're too cute! I was just thinking of an identical set of boy triplets: Benjamin, Bailey and Blaine. I think that combo is interesting, and adorable, because each name has a different number of syllables, the longest having three. BLAINE - 1 SyllableBAILEY - 2 SyllablesBENJAMIN - 3 SyllablesWDYT?
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Love all three names, and while the syllable thing could be considered cute, all the names staying with B is a little too cutesy for me. I like twins to be completely independent. The fact that they are their own name though, makes it better. (As opposed to Benedict and Benjamin for example)
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All three names are terrible together, they all start with the same letter but they really don't fit nicely.If I would have triplets boys i'd most likely use:Wilfred, Casper & Ignatius/Barnaby/RufusSimilar styles, but completely individual names.
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Wow how... uhh... I'm having the reaction I had when one of my friends put on a Kenny G CD and waved his arms about how profound the phrasing and key changes were, whereas I and my snobby friend Ele could not stop cracking up. Yes they all START WITH THE SAME LETTER but they all have DIFFERENT NUMBER OF SYLLABLES! That's VERY clever and interesting. LMAO
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Love Benjamin, like Bailey on a boy, dislike Blaine.
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I'm not a huge fan of any of those names.But following your pattern:
Bellamy, Beckett and Blake - triplet boys.
Cassidy, Carter and Cade - triplet boys.
Elena, Ember and Eve - triplet girls.
Melody, Maia and Max - triplet girls.
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On their own a set named Blaine, Bailey, and Benjamin wouldn't stand out much. Just seeing the names on their own I might wonder if Bailey were a girl but that's about it. I know quite a few families where the children all have names starting with the same letter so I'm not bothered by that.Would the syllables correspond to their birth order? 'Cause I think that could be a cute idea.
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Hi !!!I'm a twin...I strongly dislike matched names for twins. It is an horrible thing.When you are a little kid it could be ok but when you grow up it is so embarassing and annoying imo.My sister and I are named Amanda and Rossana and we are so glad that our parents did't give us similar names like Amanda & Amelia or Rossana & Rossella.It is horrible in my mind like if the twins were dollies which need similar names...no! Also if you are a twin there is no reason to have a matched name with your twin.. people always say you that you are a twin anyway.I like Bailey.

This message was edited 3/12/2018, 10:05 AM

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The names themselves go together nicely without sounding like a trio of mini-doll/cartoon characters. But I don't like Bailey or Blaine. Bailey in particular is so common on girls and even more common on dogs it's not even funny.I do love Benjamin. Benjamin, Brian, and Blake?Or choose names that don't start with b but have a similar rhythm and/or vibe to them: Benjamin, Jonathan and Timothy, for instance.
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Can't stand alliteration with sibsets. They're their own individuals and I feel like it robs them of their individuality.
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LOL. My two younger sisters are named Patricia and Pamela, nicknamed Patty and Pam. Well, Pam became Pam as a teenager and later an adult, but as a child, she was called Pammy. My father mentioned once that when my parents named Pam, he said, "Oh Patty and Pammy. That's cute."They are only one year apart in age, almost exactly. Patty is the older, and she was always small for her age, so throughout most of their childhood, they were the same height. Not only that, my mother would sometimes dress them alike. A lot of people assumed they were fraternal twins, between the names, being the same size, and the dressing alike.The moral of this story is that they are now, and always have been, very much individuals, different from each other in many respects, although also being alike in some ways, as most siblings are. I'm like my older sister in some ways, and she's eight years older than I am and our names are nothing alike.Although I have often criticized sibsets for being too "matchy", I mean this only from an aesthetic point of view. I am very skeptical that a name can rob anyone of individuality.
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me too...I know I'm in the minority here, but I like matchy names for multiples. Not so much for non-multiples (Lookin' at you, Duggars), but yeah.
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Not a fan of Bailey for a girl or boy, but prefer it for a girl. Benjamin is okay but common, and Blaine is alright though I prefer Blaise.
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I don't like the names, but I also don't think it's the Crime of the Century to name multiples differently than you would non-multiple siblings. And to be honest, I have only once seen that done. It's not like it's some big social evil going on under our noses all of the time.
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I’m also not a big fan of using the same first letter for multiples. It’s a sweet idea, but children of multiple births already have enough extra work establishing themselves as individuals, rather than “one of a set”. It can also be frustrating when other people are learning their names. Bailey and Blaine are especially similar, despite the syllable difference. They contain basically the same letters just in a different order, and they have the same trendy, dated vibe.Benjamin is much more timeless and classic. Love that name.
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Maybe using it for triplets might be a bit much. Poor boys. What if we said they were just brothers, and their parents really liked B names? How would that be?I myself wouldn't use same first letter for a set of multiples either, but we all know some people do.
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Sometimes the names that people like most start with the same letter or sound. And that's why they like them, the sound appeals to them. When I was a teenager, I used to babysit for sisters named Kelly and Courtney. During the time I was babysitting for this family, they had a son whom they named Christopher. After I had stopped babysitting for them, I heard they had another daughter named Katie. (Not sure if it was just Katie or a nickname for Katherine.) Somehow I once mentioned the family to my husband, and he said, "Why do people do that? Give their kids names that all start with the same sound?" I told him that it was probably just that names that started with the hard C sound appealed the most to this couple. It would be stupid to reject a name that one loves in the interest of "Not having them start with the same letter/sound" IMO.
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If I had another child, I'd rule out the "th" sound at the beginning so it wouldn't sound too cutesy with Theodora, and I'd probably avoid using a T by itself. However, I'd have less of a problem returning to that sound for the third kid.
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But then they would all dress alike and have no sense of self and think the same thoughts and eat the same foods and like the same things, and MY GOD WOMAN, DON'T YOU HAVE A HEART?!?! ;P
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Too matchy and cutesy in my opinion. I don't necessarily hate all names starting with the same letter, but these all have similar sounds, yet don't seem to go with each other, style wise. More like they were chosen only because they were matchy for a set of triplets. As far as the names go on an individual basis, the only one I like is Benjamin.
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What if they were just three brothers? Like Prue, Piper and Phoebe on Charmed?
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I always thought the P3 thing on Charmed was silly. Especially since the names had nothing in common besides the initial. Prudence is very old-lady, Piper is trendy and surnamey, and Phoebe is timeless and a little cutesy.Even when I was younger I remember thinking, “they’re human beings, not a matching tea set”.

This message was edited 3/12/2018, 7:35 AM

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That's very true, it is a little silly. I like what you said, "they're human beings, not a matching tea set". LOL Nice shot!
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I hate it. Multiples are individuals that just happen to be born at the same time. They aren't a litter of animals. Giving cutesy names reinforces that they are "the triplets" instead of their own people, and frankly, I am a judgy person and I judge parents that give their multiples cutesy names.
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I was just asking a rhetorical question. I just thought of it off the top of my head. I myself would never use same letter names for a set of multiples, but you know how some people might. It sucks, but there it is.
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I think it would be nicer for multiples not to start with the same letter that way it's a little easier for people to keep them straight. Otherwise, Benjamin and Blaine aren't really my thing, but could be ok. I don't like Bailey. It just seems girly to me.
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I can’t stand shared initials, especially on multiples! I like Benjamin, but not Bailey (super tacky, and a dog name) or Blaine, which are too similar to each other anyway.
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This is a funny concept! I would suggest using Blaine on the first born, then Bailey on the second and Benjamin on the third. Then you'll get a 1-2-3 (You might have thought of this one yourself already).
I'm not the biggest fan of Blaine or Bailey, but I like Benjamin alot.
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That's funny, I had thought of the same thing.
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