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[Opinions] Constance
What do you think of Constance?I keep going back and forth over it.. I can't decide if I like it or not..I hate the Australian blogger Constance Hall, so i'm afraid if I did use Constance that everyone would think of her.Not sure about the nickname Connie either.Thoughts on Constance?
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Constance is an elegant & beautiful name, and the nickname Tansy would be quite sweet. Being from the U.S., I am not familiar with this particular blogger, but I wouldn't let your dislike for her dissuade you from using a name you love. However, it doesn't seem that you're even certain if you like this name, so if that's the case, maybe there's another name that you like better where you won't run into this specific issue. Just a thought.Best of luck to you!
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I like Constance. I think it's a lovely name. I don't mind the nickname Connie. Considering Connie was also popular on is own the same time Constance was, it probably will be shortened to Connie.I've never heard of Constance Hall. Then again, I'm not Australian.

This message was edited 4/2/2018, 10:05 AM

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I like Constance. It sounds like it's meaning. I went to school with a Constance called "Connie". She would be 27 now. But I can very much picture it on an 8 or 9 year old. I like Connie, but I like nearly all -onnie names.If you're concerned about Constance Hall then I might keep it to the middle name spot or just skip it since you do have other names.
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I don't like it. I had a great aunt Constance who I adored and I've got a soft spot for virtue names the meaning is lovely just sounds constipated. Sorry. And Connie is straight up awful
I like Fidelia which has a similar meaning
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Oh, I like Fidelia. It would be super tacky if DH and I used it for reasons specific to us, but it's pretty great.
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I like it, as far as virtue names go (my favourites are actually Prudence and Temperance, Constance would come third I think). I think it has a bit of a kick to it, with its short vowels and hard consonants. I think Connie is avoidable as long as you nip it in the bud, the first time someone uses it. That’s how my mother kept all three syllables of my name in use, even though it’s so easy to shorten.
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Nah, you can do better. :)I don't like Constance, it's dated in the wrong way. And Connie is just awful. HAve you watched the show "Moms" ? I imagine a Connie to be exactly like the character Bonnie.
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I adore Constance! I'm not Australian, so that association doesn't affect me.I prefer the name in full, but if I had to use a nickname, I'd opt for Tancy / Tansy.
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Love love love it! The nn Connie is a little dated, though. I like the nn Stanza better.
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I adore Constance, but Connie is dated and unattractive to me. I have never heard of that blogger and I feel like bloggers are only popular in a small corner for a short window of time.
I seriously wouldn't expect a blogger to be popular enough in any area of the world to have an affect on a child's name anyway.
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She's very popular. She's written at least one book too, she pops up in the news here fairly regularly, so that's why the hesitation. I'm pretty sure that if I had a girl named Constance at least a few people would ask if it was because of her.
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She self-published her book so it isn't as though she has book deals coming out of her ears.I like Constance Hall though. Of course I don't like everything but I don't like many things about a lot of people that I actually love either.I doubt you'll get asked as often as you think. She'll also be a splash in the pan so better to use it than not, I figure. I love the name Constance and not because of Hall.
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It is cute in a old fashioned way I guess, maybe because of the ending. Also, the name seems a bit traditionalist as well so that ruins some of the appeal for me, but thats just me though.
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Love it. It's a handsome name, nice meaning, and the name of a bunch of Medieval queens and empresses.
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Never liked it, sorry. Tbh it always reminds me of constipated! I don't like the nn Connie and don't care much for Constance Hall and her potty mouth either. I think people may think of her, simply because she's the most well known person with that name.
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Yeah the Constance Hall thing annoys me because I think she's a gross cow to be honest, so it's sorta ruining it for me!
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:(Not gonna makes me really sad to read any woman being called a "gross cow"...that's kind of gross to me. I'm not someone who is all fan-girl about Constance Hall at all and I rarely read her blog but I'll give her credit where it is due in that I can't imagine her calling women, especially one she didn't know, "gross cows".
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Sorry, probably shouldn't have worded it like that on this board. My family and I use "gross cow" as a term for someone who swears a lot (looong story, but it involves a cow we once saw on holidays), so my mother calls my brother and I gross cows when we swear, I probably say this to my husband once a day when he swears around T or other small children. Not a gendered comment (especially since the men in my family cop it most), just a 'in joke'. I forget that I don't actually know people here IRL.
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I know there are all sorts of turns of phrase but that one is especially bothersome to me, especially because in-joke with family or not, 'cow' is a fairly loaded term to use when referring to a woman IMO.Also, I get that Constance Hall overshares and she's definitely not everyone's cup of tea but people do call her a 'gross cow' and far worse regularly. Part of it is a classist thing, some of it is just plain's sad. There are many media personalities that annoy me but I never think of calling someone awful things like that- I just go "not for me" and move on. I like that Constance has created a community that supports women and she doesn't lower herself to the level of her detractors. She became popular because she does make many women feel like they're not alone and that so many of the more unpleasant sides of motherhood or being a woman are just not talked about openly because it's "oversharing" or "in poor taste" (and I think that's bull shit) but she says it how it is and people relate and their life feels normalized. So like her or not, I think she does some good in the world. And I definitely don't agree with every post she makes and I don't follow her closely but I do think she does some good for many women.
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That’s an interesting turn of phrase...If you think she’s gross you can just say that and it’s fine, it’s cow that’s the problem! I would honestly take more issue with being called a cow by another woman than I would if the same woman called me a bitch (it’s when men use the latter that really gets me angry).
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Absolutely agreed.Frankly I’m appalled by any gendered insult like that, because it is gendered.
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I fell in love with Constance because of the Musketeers BBC series, but since it’s been off my love for it has waned. I still like it enough to keep on my list, but I’m not too bothered with it. I do like Connie now due to another character, but I also like Tansy or Annie. Overall I see Constance as feisty, determined, passionate and strong willed, as well as kind, caring, intelligent and understanding. Lots of good things, and I’d love to meet a little Constance. I think she’d sound great with your daughter’s name too.
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I like it! Definitely an uncommon one that should be used more often in my opinion. I have no idea who Constance Hall is and if she's an Australian blogger I feel like most people won't either... but then again I don't really read blogs so maybe the association is stronger for people who are... the nn Connie is bound to come up at some point but I think if you insist on people calling her Constance it shouldn't be a problem.
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I like it in theory, but I feel like I'd have to actually meet a non-elderly Constance to really decide whether I like it in practice. I associate it with the character from We Have Always Lived in the Castle more than anything - there's an upcoming film adaptation and I kind of hope it ends up popular enough for Constance to get a boost.
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I kind of love that book and I am getting impatient for the film.
My favourite name from it, however, is Merricat.
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I didn't know about the film. How exciting!
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Sorry, I don't like Constance and I hate Connie... Constance just reminds me of "constant" and seems so boring.
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I like both Constance and the nickname Connie. It was the name of one of my dolls when I was a kid, so if I ever chose to use it (it's probably not high enough on my list to get a look in, but you never know) I'd just be hoping that none of my family remembered that fact!
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It's okay, but not my favourite form of the name. I prefer Constanza, which sounds a little more solid to me.
I don't know Constance Hall, bur I thinkif you'd use it for a child the connection to your child will become so strong that the whole Constance Hall connection will fade for you.I don't like Connie, but other than Stance / Stana (/ Stancy?) maybe even Stacy? I don't really see any other nickname options.
Personally I prefer it for a MN (Like I'd seriously consider Constanza after my brother Constantijn as a MN only).
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Never heard of Constance Hall and I imagine most US people haven't either. But if she's really well-known in Australia it might give me pause. Actually, if it bothered me enough to mention it or consider it at all I wouldn't use it.
Constance Hall sounds like a name for a dormitory or something.I think Constance is stiff and starched and unattractive and almost sounds like a brand name. Like for adult diapers or a laxative or something. Connie is mildly cute in a sock-hop, poodle-skirt sort of way.
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