[Opinions] Remy
What are your thoughts on Remy?http://www.behindthename.com/pnl/87410
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I love it. My first association with it is Sans Famille (Nobody's Boy) mby Hector Malot. My second association is the X-Men.
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My sister named her cat Remy (after Gambit from the X-Men) and I was happy because I adore the name, but it's not one I feel would ever be plausible for me to use in real life. I just feel like it has a nice sound to it and it ages well.

This message was edited 7/24/2018, 9:19 AM

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It's my number one boys names at the moment. I love it.
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I like Rémy as a FN for a boy or Rémi as a NN for a girl. It is a very cute name, but -for me- the sound is nonetheless more masculine, and therefore I would use it only as a NN for a girl.
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I like it for a boy, I think he’s sweet, adventurous, and boyish, which is very much my style.
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I love Remy / Rémy! I think I watched some obscure tv series when I was young with someone named Remy and ever since I've adored it (as long as it's not said like Ray-mee).
I think Remy works just fine on its own. I even prefer it as a full name but sometimes I like the idea of Remington nn Remy.
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I used to think it was weird sounding, and it mainly reminded me of Gambit from X-Men, although I've always liked Rene as a masculine name.Then I had a name crush on Remei for a while.When Pink Princess brought up Remiel / Remi a couple months ago, I realized I had started liking Remi / Remy at some point.

I hate Remington, though (too associated with ammunition to me).
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As a full name, I’m not a fan unless it’s the original French form, Rémy. As a nickname it would be okay.
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Love the sound and look of the name, but the meaning is very lacklustre to me. I've been loving Remi as a shortened version of the name Remiel. I love the meaning of Remiel.
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