[Opinions] Angelina and Anghelina
What do you think of Angelina and Anghelina?They are pronounced differently, Anghelina pronounced with a hard G. I actually quite like that pronunciation.What do you think of the pronunciation with the hard G? Would you spell it Angelina or Anghelina for that pronunciation?What do you think of the name in general (also with the English pronunciation)? Too Angelina Jolie? Too kitschy?
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If I wanted the hard G pronounciation, I'd use Anghelina.I kind of like it.People could adapt to it. Angelina is a bit too Angelina Jolie.I like Angeline, no "a" on the end.
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I like Anghelina with the hard G. It adds an extra dimension to the name and makes it a bit less ... delicate? Definitely appreciate it. Angelina definitely seems kitschy to me and yes, it makes me think of Angelina Jolie.
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I prefer Angela... Angelina is okay; it just seems needlessly elaborate. It doesn't remind me of Angelina Jolie, particularly.I think if I was going for a hard G...people would be more likely to pronounce Anghelina correctly when reading it, but less likely (than Angelina) to spell it correctly when they just hear it...so I don't have a strong preference on spelling...I guess I'd go with Anghelina because of the way the h interrupts angel. I do like the hard G, but where I live people would probably think it was pretentious unless my first language wasn't English.
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Hi Perrine !!!Yes Angelina is too related with Jolie and has a strong glamour, kitchy, Hollywood vibe. I would not use it.Anghelina? The sound is German but the gh to write a hard G is Italian. Where did you see this strange mix? Is it an Austrian form? Sorry but I dislike it as all the pronounciations of Angela.My favourite ang- names are Angelica, Angie, Angélique, Angelo and Angelos.
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Angelina is too Jolie and princessy in my mind. (I like Angela though)
Anghelina (the prn) makes me think too much of the word angle, rather than angel. Like it means something to do with England, rather than with angels.
I guess I would choose Angelina over Anghelina, but the latter is at least more interesting.
If I were going to mess with the prn of Angelina I'd make it French-ish: onzh'lina

This message was edited 8/2/2018, 1:29 PM

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