[Opinions] American football player name ...
A player, male of course, named ...
Kapri Bibbs.Not only does it sound like a girl's name, it also sounds like capri-length bib overalls.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin
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Football players have some of the most interesting names.
I'm surprised nobody has jumped on you for criticizing an African-American's name.
I'd prefer Kapri on a black man over Kashton on a white one, fwiw.
I'd find the name annoying as a girl's name, but on Mr Bibbs it's just interesting.
Bibbs doesn't sound great with any first name, IMO.
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Kapri is pretty run of the mill to me. I grew up with a large black population and wouldn't have blinked at Kapri.The interesting thing about the black population is that they use names that could be considered feminine more often on boys. I like it.
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Kapri is pretty run of the mill to me. I grew up with a large black population and wouldn't have blinked at Kapri.The interesting thing about the black population is that they use names that could be considered feminine more often on boys. I like it.
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Reminds me of a city in Italy, though it is spelled Capri. very unfortunate of a name.
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Hi RoxStar !!!Kapri doesn't ring as feminine imo..neither masculine. I guess that it is a form of Capri (Capri Island) Is it used as given name abroad? Omg... Here Capri could be only a last name. After that I always think on Capri pants! Kapri is even worse. No thanks ahahahah

This message was edited 11/28/2018, 9:59 AM

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It's not really an established given name here in the US, but it is occasionally given, but always (to my knowledge) to girls.
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Here's the usage in the US: https://www.behindthename.com/top/beyond.php?name=Kapri+CapriVery rare use for boys but it does happen.
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And as I said to Mirfak blacks have a tendency to use more feminine sounding names for boys.

This message was edited 11/30/2018, 3:11 PM

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